Open StephaneTy-Pro opened 1 month ago
I don't know what you mean by corrupted... do you mean like content of file is corrupted?
a blank white webpage is shown with text "Message Corrupt"
using log i could see that loading fail in _webui_http_send_file() ; it's the reason why i propose to correct the test
You removed return;
, that's mean the execution will continue even if opening the file is failed.
How did this fix your issue?
houps i forget the return, but the original problem was with expression
WEBUI_FILE_OPEN(file, path, "rb") != 0 || !file
Perhaps i m wrong but
WEBUI_FILE_OPEN(file, path, "rb") != 0 => check if file is open and we return if it was opened
i juste modifiy the test to return if WEBUI_FILE_OPEN was null (function return null or pointer)
page load but was broken (corrupted)
Expected Behavior
page is correctly loaded
Reproduction Steps
No response
Error Logs
No response
Possible Solution
in _webui_http_send_file() replace
Environment Details (OS name, version, etc.)