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fix favicon link #53

Closed sayanee closed 8 years ago

sayanee commented 8 years ago

Change from https://webuild.sg/public/favicon.ico to https://assets.webuild.sg/favicon.ico as the link is not correct and the favicon is not showing:


Steps to do:

  1. Fork this repository to your account
  2. Create a new branch fix-favicon-link
  3. Find https://webuild.sg/public/favicon.ico and replace with https://assets.webuild.sg/favicon.ico in only *.jade files
  4. Note that you only need to amend views/partials/head.jade and the rest of the *.html files will be amended with the build process (explained later on below)
  5. Install npm packages with npm install
  6. Build the html files with npm run build:html and you will see more html files being edited
  7. You can do a git status to see all the changes
  8. Run the website locally with npm start and check all pages have the favicon
  9. Commit with a good message
  10. Send a pull request

Changes to your pull request:

  1. In case you need to amend, just change the code and commit
  2. push to the same branch and the pull request will be updated!
jsstrn commented 8 years ago

Running npm run build:html will replace the new favicon link with the old one.

sayanee commented 8 years ago

closed with #54