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:chart: Data and graphs for repos and events from We Build SG
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bug: live data shows 3 events, but archived as 0 events #59

Closed sayanee closed 8 years ago

sayanee commented 8 years ago

Real data below vs logged commit 27360da55bdd1b0a63f3f057432c79debf4850fe

meta: {
generated_at: "2016-05-17T00:01:06.425Z",
location: "Singapore",
api_version: "v1",
total_events: 3
events: [
id: "230804130",
name: "TOPIC: Product Lifecycle Management – Beyond the Minimum Viable Product",
description: "If you are registered for this meetup then I am going to assume that you are in Product Management, Marketing, Branding, Sales, Service Delivery, Operation or even in leading the business.  In partnership with the AIPMM Singapore Meetup group we would like to invite you to join us in this casual networking session, mingle with like-minded professionals to learn and share about developing, managing, launching, marketing, and growing amazing products that customers love. Meetup Topic: Product Life-cycle Management – Beyond the Minimum Viable Product  REGISTER NOW There is a lot of focus on developing new products and getting ideas to market as quickly as possible, but for a product this is just the beginning of its journey in the market.   In this interactive discussion Nick Coster from Brainmates will review • The Product Life-cycle stages • How to identify what stage your product is in and • What to do next…. Cost:  This event is complimentary upon registration! REGISTER NOW About the Speaker - Nick CosterCo-founder Brainmates Product Management Training and Expertise.  Nick Coster is a co-founder of Brainmates, who is passionate about the benefits of putting the customer before the technology and building products and services that delight the buyer and the user. Nick has been developing and managing products for over 20 years and has trained over 2000 product managers in the Asia Pacific region to develop their professional Product Management skills and capabilities. These product managers have come from a wide variety of industries and organisations. Nick is a regular speaker and host at conferences and meetups in Australia and other global locations.  REGISTER NOW",
location: "BridgingMinds, 190, Middle Rd, #12-10/11,, Fortune Centre, Singapore 188979",
rsvp_count: 23,
url: "http://www.meetup.com/producttalkssingapore/events/230804130/",
group_id: 19125602,
group_name: "Product Management Talks Singapore",
group_url: "http://meetup.com/producttalkssingapore",
formatted_time: "17 May 2016, Tue, 5:30 pm",
start_time: "2016-05-17T09:30:00.000Z",
end_time: "2016-05-17T11:30:00.000Z",
latitude: 1.300405,
longitude: 103.852242
id: "230631637",
name: "Recap: Microsoft's Build 2016 Conference",
description: " There were 350 hrs of content throughout the 3 day Build conference. Didn't have time to watch any or all of them? No worries, we've got you covered! We will be having a condensed session where we will summarize some of the contents of Build in the following categories • The future of Visual Studio - see the new Visual Studio "15" preview in action • The future of ASP.NET Core - dive into the new features of ASP.NET • Cross platform mobile development with Xamarin - learn about VS 2015 Update 2 with Xamarin baked right into it • Mobile DevOps with Visual Studio Team Services [Google Play edition] - extending from the previous Mobile DevOps workshop, see how you can take your app all the way to the Google Play store in one continuous build/release flow",
location: "Microsoft Singapore, Level 22, Room CF12, One Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989",
rsvp_count: 50,
url: "http://www.meetup.com/tfs-sg/events/230631637/",
group_id: 18847677,
group_name: "Visual Studio ALM Singapore",
group_url: "http://meetup.com/tfs-sg",
formatted_time: "17 May 2016, Tue, 7:00 pm",
start_time: "2016-05-17T11:00:00.000Z",
end_time: "2016-05-17T13:00:00.000Z",
latitude: 1.282387,
longitude: 103.85244
id: "231133821",
name: "Book Club: From NAND to Tetris – Boolean Arithmetic and the ALU",
description: "Read The Elements of of Computing Systems and/or follow the Coursera course Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris.  This week we'll be covering the chapter on Boolean Arithmetic. "I did the coursework because understanding computers is important to me, just like literacy and numeracy, and I made it through. I never worked harder on anything, never been challenged to this degree. But given what I now feel capable of doing, I would certainly do it again. To anyone considering NAND2Tetris, it's a tough journey, but you'll be profoundly changed." Shimon Schocken, the author of the book talks about the course at TED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE7YRHxwoDs How Book Club Works1. Read the chapter before you come to the meetup.2. Find something in the chapter you found interesting and maybe research it a little more.3. At the meetup, we go around the room and each person gets a chance to tell the group about the thing they found interesting.4. Group discussion and banter ensues! Book club is held at Tim & Wei's residence: 244A Tanjong Katong RdSingapore  437032Singapore Doors open at 6:30, meetup starts at 7. Bring snacks and drinks of your choice! Feel free to ask questions in the SingaporeJS gitter room: https://gitter.im/SingaporeJS/discussions  Useful Links • NAND to Tetris website: http://www.nand2tetris.org/• Get the book: http://www.amazon.com/Elements-Computing-Systems-Building-Principles/dp/0262640686/• Coursera course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/build-a-computer/",
location: "Tim & Wei's Residence, 244A Tanjong Katong Road, Singapore",
rsvp_count: 9,
url: "http://www.meetup.com/Singapore-JS/events/231133821/",
group_id: 6363162,
group_name: "SingaporeJS",
group_url: "http://meetup.com/Singapore-JS",
formatted_time: "17 May 2016, Tue, 7:00 pm",
start_time: "2016-05-17T11:00:00.000Z",
end_time: "2016-05-17T13:00:00.000Z",
latitude: 1.30649,
longitude: 103.895782
sayanee commented 8 years ago

current status: monitoring 👀

sayanee commented 8 years ago
