webuildsg / iOS

iOS client for https://webuild.sg/
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open register event link from within app itself without deeplinking #6

Closed jurvis closed 8 years ago

jurvis commented 8 years ago

currently you're taken out of the WeBuild app to Safari in order to browse the event registration page, will it be better to use SFSafariViewController to present from within your app instead so the user can easily get back to where they're at?

sayanee commented 8 years ago

So I think, from iOS 9 this new feature is available - the native back button to another app. :sob: Can't find the docs. But it looks like this. Hence I did not bother to open it within the app. What do you think?


jurvis commented 8 years ago

yup, that certainly works, but I think it might result in users forgetting they were browsing your app after awhile.

the main advantages of this is being able to:

  1. Retain the user's browsing context whilst using your app
  2. Implementing Force Touch

<img width="435 alt="screenshot" src="http://i.giphy.com/26FPy35kppc7Xu0j6.gif">

if that's something you want to implement, this guide looks good: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ios-9-getting-started-with-sfsafariviewcontroller--cms-24260

sayanee commented 8 years ago

good point :clap: Will code it out in the future iterations. UX is so important :100: