webuildsg / webuild

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Singapore MusicTech meetups are not being picked up via Meetup.com search API #236

Closed sayanee closed 8 years ago

sayanee commented 8 years ago

cc @subhransu for http://www.meetup.com/Singapore-MusicTech-Meetup/

It seems like you need to contact the meetup.com support and add the group to Tech category 34. You have put it in Music category 21

Use this https://secure.meetup.com/meetup_api/console/?path=/2/groups with field group_urlname as Singapore-MusicTech-Meetup and the results is

HTTP/1.1 200 success
"results": [
"utc_offset": 28800000,
"country": "SG",
"visibility": "public",
"city": "Singapore",
"timezone": "Asia/Singapore",
"created": 1464158864000,
"topics": [
"urlkey": "musicians",
"name": "Musicians",
"id": 173
"urlkey": "proaudio",
"name": "Audio Engineering",
"id": 2507
"urlkey": "technology",
"name": "Technology",
"id": 10579
"urlkey": "music",
"name": "Music",
"id": 15018
"urlkey": "music-production",
"name": "Music Production",
"id": 17953
"urlkey": "recording-music",
"name": "Recording Music",
"id": 18643
"urlkey": "studio-recording",
"name": "Studio Recording",
"id": 21617
"urlkey": "sound-engineering",
"name": "Sound Engineering",
"id": 23890
"urlkey": "audio",
"name": "Audio",
"id": 57191
"urlkey": "audio-production",
"name": "Audio Production",
"id": 103495
"link": "http://www.meetup.com/Singapore-MusicTech-Meetup/",
"rating": 0,
"description": "<p>This group aims to bring together people who are passionate about music, technology and audio. Hopefully the awesome developers, musicians and entrepreneurs collaborate together to build something amazing.</p>",
"lon": 103.8499984741211,
"group_photo": {
"highres_link": "http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/1/0/f/highres_450540271.jpeg",
"photo_id": 450540271,
"photo_link": "http://photos4.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/1/0/f/600_450540271.jpeg",
"thumb_link": "http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/1/0/f/thumb_450540271.jpeg"
"join_mode": "open",
"organizer": {
"member_id": 11124721,
"name": "Subhransu Behera",
"photo": {
"highres_link": "http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/member/2/4/5/6/highres_215529302.jpeg",
"photo_id": 215529302,
"photo_link": "http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/member/2/4/5/6/member_215529302.jpeg",
"thumb_link": "http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/member/2/4/5/6/thumb_215529302.jpeg"
"members": 100,
"name": "Singapore MusicTech Meetup",
"id": 19993868,
"urlname": "Singapore-MusicTech-Meetup",
"category": {
"name": "music",
"id": 21,
"shortname": "music"
"lat": 1.2999999523162842,
"who": "Members"
"meta": {
"next": "",
"method": "Groups",
"total_count": 1,
"link": "https://api.meetup.com/2/groups",
"count": 1,
"description": "None",
"lon": "None",
"title": "Meetup Groups v2",
"url": "https://api.meetup.com/2/groups?offset=0&sign=True&format=json&group_urlname=Singapore-MusicTech-Meetup&photo-host=public&page=20&radius=25.0&fields=&order=id&desc=false",
"signed_url": "https://api.meetup.com/2/groups?offset=0&format=json&group_urlname=Singapore-MusicTech-Meetup&photo-host=public&page=20&radius=25.0&fields=&order=id&desc=false&sig_id=14303056&sig=6d3a1da4e203d02365c59762999d40de085ab5fc",
"id": "",
"updated": 1464599051000,
"lat": "None"
subhransu commented 8 years ago

@sayanee I have asked them to add the tech category and they added. Probably it will take a day or two get reflected.

sayanee commented 8 years ago

thanks @subhransu - well if and when they do, the meetup will automatically appear in the list. So be sure to check at https://webuild.sg/#check 🤗

subhransu commented 8 years ago

Checked and they have updated the category as well. However this is still not appearing here: https://webuild.sg/api/v1/check/2016-06-20

New category is now: 34

screen shot 2016-06-06 at 1 42 37 pm

sayanee commented 8 years ago

thanks @subhransu! will have a look

sayanee commented 8 years ago

@subhransu could you check your venue? The venue key is missing from the JSON reply. It's weird as the UI shows the PayPal venue. Either ways, check the venue:

  utc_offset: 28800000,
  headcount: 0,
  visibility: 'public',
  waitlist_count: 0,
  created: 1464166600000,
  maybe_rsvp_count: 0,
  description: '<p><b>Speakers</b>:</p> <p><br/>• <a href="https://twitter.com/ntt">Chinmay Pendharkar</a> - Chinmay is an audio engineer and he\'s passionate about audio, acoustics and technology. He organized <a href="https://github.com/notthetup/webaudiohackday">WebAudio Hack Day</a> last year which was super awesome. He has spoken about WebAudio at audio-tech at <a href="https://github.com/notthetup/talks">various events</a>. <a href="https://chinpen.net/blog/">His blog</a> includes many of his personal projects that are mainly around audio-tech.</p> <p><br/>• <a href="https://twitter.com/gerrybeauregard">Gerry Beaugard</a> - Gerry is the creator of <a href="http://www.audiostretch.com/AudioStretchForiOS.html">AudioStretch</a>. He is an inventor, musician, and occasional triathlete. His current work mainly involve audio technology for iOS and the web. His past job includes writing speech recognition software for <a href="http://www.apple.com/">Apple</a>, creating automatic video editing software for <a href="http://www.muvee.com/">muvee</a>, and designing <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application-specific_integrated_circuit">ASICs</a> for <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nortel">Nortel</a></p> <p><br/><b>Agenda</b>:</p> <p>• 6:45pm: Come, have some pizza and say hello to each other</p> <p>• 7:20pm: 1st Talk by Chinmay (Topic TBD)</p> <p><br/>• 7:50pm: 2nd Talk by Gerry (Topic TBD)</p> <p>• 8:20pm: Show &amp; Tell (by members if any)</p>',
  event_url: 'http://www.meetup.com/Singapore-MusicTech-Meetup/events/231387009/',
  yes_rsvp_count: 34,
  duration: 7200000,
  name: 'Singapore MusicTech - June Meetup',
  id: '231387009',
  time: 1466420400000,
  updated: 1464575664000,
  { join_mode: 'open',
    created: 1464158864000,
    name: 'Singapore MusicTech Meetup',
    group_lon: 103.8499984741211,
    id: 19993868,
    urlname: 'Singapore-MusicTech-Meetup',
    group_lat: 1.2999999523162842,
    who: 'Members' 
  status: 'upcoming' 

As a contrast to a working meetup, this meetup has venue key:

  utc_offset: 28800000,
  venue: { 
    country: 'SG',
    localized_country_name: 'Singapore',
    city: 'Singapore ',
    address_1: 'IDA Labs@NDC 111 Middle Road, National Design Centre',
    name: '#03-04, IDA Labs@NDC 111 Middle Road, National Design Centre, Singapore 188969.',
    lon: 103.85319,
    id: 23755819,
    lat: 1.29891,
    repinned: false 
  rsvp_limit: 150,
  headcount: 0,
  visibility: 'public',
  waitlist_count: 63,
  created: 1464416630000,
  maybe_rsvp_count: 0,
  description: '<p>Hi all, </p> <p>NOTE: Please refer to the new <a href="http://www.meetup.com/DataScience-SG-Singapore/events/228169542/">attendance policy</a> before RSVP to this meetup.</p> <p>RSVP will only open on 31st May, Tuesday (12pm) and closes on 5th June (12pm). </p> <p>For our June meetup, we\'re excited to have Tarik and Nathaniel from AXA\'s Global Data Innovation Lab share about fraud detection, and telematics and connected cars!</p> <p>6.45pm-7.15pm: Networking session [casual; small talk] </p> <p>7.15pm-7.45pm: Tarik Dadi: Tarik will share with you the different approaches that have been explored to provide the business clients of the DIL with technics allowing to make the models not only accurate but also interpretable to human experts. The ability to explain how a specific prediction has been made by a classifier is important since it allows human experts to act more efficiently on the result of the prediction. [casual; industry applications of data science] </p> <p>7.45pm - 8.15pm: Nathaniel Bern: Nathaniel Bern will be talking first about the missions of the AXA Data Innovation Lab, and will then deep dive into some interesting Data Science topics tackled in the telematics team: from supervised learning with risk prediction and road dangerosity to different methods of clustering for trip inference and driving profile understanding. [casual; industry applications of data science]</p> <p>[] : Suggested rating and topic; ranges from: <br/>newbie - casual - core - hardcore.</p> <p>Speaker Bio:</p> <p><br/><b>Tarik Dadi</b> graduated with a dual Engineering degree in Computational Mathematics from EISTI and Agro ParisTech. At the same time, he studied Statistics and Artificial Intelligence during a Master’s degree at Paris-Dauphine University. He joined the AXA Data Innovation Lab in April 2015 to work on Lambda Architecture and Online Learning, he currently works on fraud detection technics for the automobile insurance.</p> <p><br/><b>Nathaniel Bern</b> holds a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the Ecole Polytechnique, France. He studied Statistical Learning and Applied Machine Learning during a dual Master’s degree, at the ENSAE ParisTech and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, where he worked for instance on NLP and Reinforcement Learning projects. He has been working as a Data Scientist at AXA Data Innovation Lab since May 2015, working on a telematics insurance product.</p>',
  event_url: 'http://www.meetup.com/DataScience-SG-Singapore/events/231463742/',
  yes_rsvp_count: 147,
  name: 'AXA x DSSG (Fraud Detection & Telematics)',
  id: '231463742',
  time: 1465295400000,
  updated: 1464488442000,
  group: { 
    join_mode: 'open',
    created: 1384870199000,
    name: 'DataScience SG',
    group_lon: 103.8499984741211,
    id: 11168062,
    urlname: 'DataScience-SG-Singapore',
    group_lat: 1.2999999523162842,
    who: 'Data Scientist' 
  status: 'upcoming' 
subhransu commented 8 years ago

The venue option was private. I just made it public. Should appear now. 👍

sayanee commented 8 years ago

uh! no wonder! haha... 😄 let's check in an hour to see if the hourly cron picks it up!

sayanee commented 8 years ago


subhransu commented 8 years ago


subhransu commented 8 years ago

@sayanee this gets disappeared again. can you check on your side what's wrong!

uzyn commented 8 years ago

I'm seeing MusicTech

screen shot 2016-07-11 at 4 58 24 pm
sayanee commented 8 years ago

Probably you saw it during the hourly cron @subhransu. Thanks for being vigilant everyone 😍