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Missing event: First JuniorDev SG Social! #294

Closed sayanee closed 6 years ago

sayanee commented 6 years ago

Link: https://www.meetup.com/Junior-Developers-Singapore/events/246902756/


      { "urlkey":"linux", "name":"Linux", "id":188 },
      { "urlkey":"php", "name":"PHP", "id":455 },
      { "urlkey":"opensource", "name":"Open Source", "id":563 },
      { "urlkey":"webdesign", "name":"Web Design", "id":659 },
      { "urlkey":"ruby", "name":"Ruby", "id":1040 },
      { "urlkey":"sysadmin", "name":"System Administration", "id":2109 },
      { "urlkey":"technology", "name":"Technology", "id":10579 },
      { "urlkey":"web-development", "name":"Web Development", "id":15582 },
      { "urlkey":"mobile-technology", "name":"Mobile Technology", "id":16216 },
      { "urlkey":"mobile-development", "name":"Mobile Development", "id":21441 },
      { "urlkey":"agile-project-management", "name":"Agile Project Management", "id":21549 },
      { "urlkey":"computer-programming", "name":"Computer programming", "id":48471 },
      { "urlkey":"html5", "name":"HTML5", "id":78565 },
      { "urlkey":"infrastructure-as-code", "name":"Infrastructure as Code", "id":126177 }
    "description":"<p><span>Are you a Junior Developer or newbie in the Tech industry? Do you sometimes feel anxious about work or question your own abilities? Are you excited to be starting your career and want to celebrate your accomplishments with others? You are not alone!</span> <br></p> <p>With this Meetup group we hope to create a home for all things JuniorDev.</p> <p>We will be hosting a bi-monthly get-together known as the JuniorDev Social. Here we socialise and connect with our fellow Juniors to swap stories and share wins or disastrous fails (yup, those are normal) all while enjoying some food and drink provided by our generous sponsors.</p> <p>In the months that we're not socialising we'll be coding! Every alternate month will see the JuniorDev Hack Night. Bring your laptops, questions and be ready to work on side hustles, tutorials, walkthroughs... or whatevs - we'll have mentors on hand to help out.</p> <p>Join our slack channel #juniordevsg on the [KopiJS Slack Workspace](<a href="         https:         //launchpass.com/kopijs" class="linkified">https:         //launchpass.com/kopijs</a>)</p> <p><b>Join Our Community</b></p> <p>•&nbsp;Join the KopiJS Slack Chat:         <a href="https:         //launchpass.com/kopijs">https:         //launchpass.com/kopijs</a></p> <p>•&nbsp;<span>Meetup.com:         </span><a href="https:         //www.meetup.com/Junior-Developers-Singapore/-">https:         //www.meetup.com/Junior-Developers-Singapore/</a></p> <p>•&nbsp;<span>Twitter:         </span><a href="https:         //twitter.com/juniordevsg-">https:         //twitter.com/juniordevsg</a></p> <p>•&nbsp;<span>Facebook:         </span><a href="https:         //www.facebook.com/groups/juniorDevSG/">https:         //www.facebook.com/groups/juniorDevSG/</a></p> <p><b>JuniorDev.io</b></p> <p>We are the Singapore chapter of JuniorDev.io. Check out more Junior Developers community around the world (especially in Australia) at&nbsp;<a href="https:         //l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FJuniorDev.io%2F&amp;h=ATOWA0cUxWdguD6RVlt-e8phXYJgiH6tsYzXl7njFifYKZnOJB1E_6iYkRFwul4Pjd04-VkzHj0HfR5bhHfn5a6Yf8jzUU5xu1P3SaqYpLWkfS4S88eCoysFP9pZOO2t33qrHVxC6YWKd6FgXGV6jcmBttIdqW2DVUk7vjeeK_k29mZjrnjB5-6RuSmnxt0NAjt07NH-1Z9LjCQeO1C04k3V5cbyH3p04NBykDnT7BiexhpO0rSJgxNwpCOD5m0nbgL8ivsHDh2J2JV5A2CWSmpc5cI417rsM-rz3S8iE8cKiwA">http:         //JuniorDev.io</a>.</p> <br> <p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/juniorDevSG/"></a></p>",
      "name":"Michael Cheng",
    "name":"Junior Developers Singapore",
  "title":"Meetup Groups v2",
notthetup commented 6 years ago

Fixed in Version: 2.19.29