webuildsg / webuild

:memo: Robot-handpicked list of open events and open source for designers, developers and makers in Singapore
MIT License
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Localization/Translation to Filipino #295

Open agentzero1 opened 6 years ago

agentzero1 commented 6 years ago

I want to contribute in translation to Filipino

notthetup commented 6 years ago

👋 @agentzero1 .

That's awesome. We had tried structured the code to enable other cities/countries to use this.

The core code for getting the events and repos from the APIs is here https://github.com/webuildorg. This code is generic and can be used for ANY country/city. https://github.com/webuildsg/webuild uses those packages and adds some config files and UI to it.

I can suggest you can start by forking https://github.com/webuildsg/webuild and change the config file (https://github.com/webuildsg/webuild/blob/master/config.js) to whatever city/country you are interested in using it for!

Let us know how it goes!