webusb / arduino

WebUSB demos running on Arduino (and compatible) hardware.
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how set baudrate? what default speed? #102

Open selevo opened 9 months ago

selevo commented 9 months ago

i not see it in code (( thank's

jpliew commented 9 months ago

The baud rate is set here


The redefinition of the WebUSB to Serial here


is confusing that may be misunderstood as a regular Serial. Should have just let it be 'WebUSBSerial' instead.

reillyeon commented 9 months ago

Baud rate essentially does not matter for an emulated USB serial port like is created here, which is why there's nothing on the host side to set baud rate.

Now that the Web Serial API is available it is mostly unnecessary to use this library to create a custom USB endpoint for WebUSB.

selevo commented 9 months ago


About API Web Serial .... It's not work on android brousers but webusb - work https://selevo.github.io/WebUsbSerialTerminal/

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I don’t understand well why speed is not important, where can I read more about this? After all, usually when the speed of the receiver and transmitter differ, I get Abracadabra instead of symbols