webusb / arduino

WebUSB demos running on Arduino (and compatible) hardware.
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Add instructions for setting bcdUSB to 0x0210 on SAMD boards #41

Open tylercrumpton opened 6 years ago

tylercrumpton commented 6 years ago

After loading either Arduino example to my board, I do not get a notification message with the link to the landing-page. The rest of WebUSB seems to work, because I can use the console example to send messages back and forth to the board.

If I add a new "fake" device in Chrome, via chrome://usb-internals/, the landing-page notification is displayed properly.

Board: Adafruit Feather M0 OS: Mac OS X 10.13.1 Arduino version: 1.8.5 Output from chrome://device-log/ :

USB device added: vendor=9114 "Adafruit", product=32779 "Feather M0", serial="WUART", guid=193354a7-57da-49bd-b887-6ebc6054c58e
reillyeon commented 6 years ago

The instructions in README.md only update the USB version for AVR boards. Without the board reporting a USB version of 0x0210 Chrome will not attempt to read the landing page descriptor from the device because it assumes it is not supported. The M0 is an SAMD board.

tylercrumpton commented 6 years ago

Ah! Thanks, that makes sense. I'll look into trying to update the USB version for the SAMD.

basevers commented 6 years ago


Did you make progress?

This is the change I made in USBCore.h :

define D_DEVICE(_class,_subClass,_proto,_packetSize0,_vid,_pid,_version,_im,_ip,_is,_configs) \

{ 18, 1, **USB_VERSION**, _class,_subClass,_proto,_packetSize0,_vid,_pid,_version,_im,_ip,_is,_configs }

However, it caused Windows 10 no longer to recognize the board. It also caused the IDE no longer to find the COM port for programming. Forcing the board in the bootloader (pressing the reset button twice fast) allowed me to upload new firmware again. Not sure what the behaviour would be on your Mac.

tylercrumpton commented 6 years ago

@basevers I have not made progress, no. I'll give that change a shot and see how it works on the Mac this afternoon.

tylercrumpton commented 6 years ago

@basevers So it looks like I may have already had that change in my USBCore.h file, or it's already in there for me. It's also possible I misunderstood your change, so here is what my line looks like:

#define D_DEVICE(_class,_subClass,_proto,_packetSize0,_vid,_pid,_version,_im,_ip,_is,_configs) \
    { 18, 1, USB_VERSION, _class,_subClass,_proto,_packetSize0,_vid,_pid,_version,_im,_ip,_is,_configs }

I believe that is only for the AVR cores though, so I don't think that affects the Cortex M0-based boards anyway.

Sherek690 commented 4 years ago

Any solution to change the USB_VERSION to 0x210 on SAMD boards ?

flety-emmanuel commented 4 years ago

Hello, After a solution as well, tried changing the USB version with no success, CDC doesn't mount. Tried on a metro M0 express for a project at work, no dice. Anything to alter in the core ?

gpelizzo commented 3 years ago

Hello, I've also tried with an Arduino 33 IOT, changing the USB version as mention, but no chance to run WebUsb. Does someone already succeeded ?