webxl / grunt-reload

A grunt task and reverse proxy that enables live reloading of updated files in the browser.
MIT License
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Problem with livereload 1.6 #4

Closed maksimr closed 11 years ago

maksimr commented 12 years ago


I installed grunt-reload and extension in firefox livereload.

Then I wrote in my grunt.js

reload: {
      port: 35729

Runt command grunt reload watch, enable livereload button in browser.

And when I change any files I get alert in browser:

You are using an old incompatible version of the command-line tool.

Please run the following command to update your command-line tool:
    gem update livereload

But If use gem livereload it's work fine.

grunt version 0.3.9
livereload 0.6.4 (Firefox addon)
Firefox 13.0.1
OS Ubuntu
protocol 'file:'

Where I made a mistake? Thanks!

manoharank commented 11 years ago

@maksimr did you find the solution?

maksimr commented 11 years ago

Yes now I use yeoman ;)

pajtai commented 11 years ago

That's not really a solution to this problem.

d48 commented 11 years ago

yeoman injects the livereload.js file into the *.html file that you are browsing from using yeoman server that spins up a web server instance. I'm having issues trying to configure reload task with server as well

I can however use the Chrome extension by enabling it from setting reload: { port: 35279 } in grunt.js file and enabling the LiveReload extension once a web server instance is spun up

omargourari commented 10 years ago

I'm experiencing the same problem of maksimr. Did someone find a reliable solution? I'm using Firefox (and the Livereload add-on) and Grunt. While in the watching mode it detects changes to any file choosen in the Gruntfile.js but, when it has to push changes to the browser a message appear with the following warning:

You are using an old incompatible version of the command-line tool.

Please run the following command to update your command-line tool: gem update livereload

Thank you

d48 commented 10 years ago

@omargourari check out the newer versions of grunt that use grunt-contrib-watch

Also make sure you're using the Livereload Firefox extension found here: http://feedback.livereload.com/knowledgebase/articles/86242-how-do-i-install-and-use-the-browser-extensions-

I have a sampler repo you can clone and npm install then npm start to try
