wechaty / docker-getting-started

Getting Started Template for Docker Users
Apache License 2.0
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uncaughtException AssertionError #9

Open TinyTiger86 opened 2 years ago

TinyTiger86 commented 2 years ago


I use centos in Virtualbox on windows. installed some dependences such as typescript, npm, nodejs and others.

I set below env variables: export WECHATY_PUPPET=wechaty-puppet-padlocal export WECHATY_PUPPET_PADLOCAL_TOKEN='puppet_padlocal_xxx_token_xxx'

then run below command in wechaty/bot folder with ding-dong-bot.ts in it: docker run -ti --rm --volume="$(pwd)":/bot wechaty/wechaty ding-dong-bot.ts

it shows: starting docker container for Wechaty v1.18.1 with Node.js v16.14.0...

then I met this problem after a scan the qrcode: image

I have to press ctrl+c to quit. could you please help give a hand on this? thanks.