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Wechaty introduction video discussion #1256

Open huan opened 3 years ago

huan commented 3 years ago

Cross-posted from our Wechaty mailing list at https://groups.google.com/g/wechaty/c/Bs8Gq3OUQX8/m/Czn31vgRBAAJ

Hi Everyone,

I am excited to announce that the draft version of the introduction video of wechaty is ready now, I am sharing the video in this mail. I request Huan, Rui, and everyone to have a look at it and share your thoughts on this draft introduction video of wechaty.

First Draft Introduction Video: Click Here

I worked with the ADVIDS team and the first draft video is now ready, so please share all of your thoughts and feedback in this thread so that we can make adjustments. I've also made sure that the introduction video and the new landing page are in sync, and that the new landing page and the introduction have the same value propositions, USPs, and CTAs.

The video has the ADVIDS watermark, which will be removed at the time of video delivery so please ignore it during your review.

You can also see that the introduction video and the new landing page have the same theme, icons, and color scheme in common which is really nice!

Thank you; I'm looking forward to hearing all of your ideas.

Regards, Sajen Sarvajith K.

Thanks to @sajenjeshan1222 for leading this project and pushing it moving forward.

I'm sorry for the delayed review this video and let's collect feedback from the community via this issue. (CC @Valerieeeee @lijiarui )

huan commented 3 years ago

My comments:

1. Icons on the whiteboard

Can we change those icons (in the center of the screen) to more be related to the Conversational User Interface, and the Instance Messengers?



I have searched some images that I smell good for this part:





huan commented 3 years ago

2. Instant Messenging Icons


Please change those icons to the following eight ones:

  1. WeChat
  2. Whatsapp
  3. WeCom
  4. TikTok
  5. QQ
  6. Line
  7. 5G RCS
  8. Lark





huan commented 3 years ago

3. "With just a few lines of code"

We should put some "a few lines of code" code block in the below screen:





huan commented 3 years ago

4. Fix the numbers & better background


  1. The background earth should be more related to the topic
  2. Change the above numbers to:
    • 1,000+ projects using Wechaty
    • 10,000+ stars on GitHub
    • 200+ contributors
    • 10,000+ developers
    • 1,000,000+ NPM downloads


huan commented 3 years ago

5. one-line bio & slogan & background


  1. I believe the grammar of the one-line bio should be improved: "the only RPA chatbot makers"? Please improve the whole sentence and make it a better one
  2. I love the "code less, works more" slogan, please emphasize it
  3. The background would be more related to the topic, please change it to a better background.
sajen-k commented 2 years ago

@huan Thank you for the comments and modifications. I will inform the ADVIDS team of these changes, and I will keep you updated once they are implemented.

huan commented 2 years ago

@sajenjeshan1222 You are welcome!

I'd like to encourage everyone from our technical team and all the contributors to leave some comments under the thread so that we can help ADVIDS to make the video a better one, and I'd like to ask for your help to leave at least one comment to our video, if possible. @wechaty/writers

Appreciate it!

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

@huan The revised storyboard draft is ready now by following your above changes and I am sharing that storyboard here and please review the new storyboard and please share your thoughts on it.

Please carefully read the 1st page of the pdf which has the instructions of the storyboard flow and this storyboard is going to get complied as video.

Also, please note that there is another option for scene-7 at the end. Kindly go through and let me know if you have any inputs.

New revised storyboard: revised_storyboard_wechaty.pdf

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

@huan The ADVIDS team have given this new storyboard draft and told us to evaluate this storyboard and this storyboard will be turned into the video so if there is any modifications please let me know. The ADVIDS team has taken our suggestions and implemented them, therefore please refer to the above document for the modifications video.

windmemory commented 2 years ago

Suggestions based on the revised storyboard:

  1. It would be better to remove the shadow of the question mark since all the other elements in the screen are flat. image

  2. It would be better to add logos for each programming language in the page to make is easier to be caught by the developer's eyes. Since developers of each programming language are sensitive to the logos. image

  3. I think we are using Wechaty to connect each IMs, so in this page, it would be better to use something that related to Wechaty in the center, eg Wechaty logo? image

  4. I would suggest that we create a typing animation for each language here to show how easy it is using Wechaty to create a chatbot. Each language animation shows up, then another language shows up and cover the previous one. Each language animation lasts average like 1-2 seconds, former ones lasts longer, like 3-4 seconds to make sure audience get the idea that we are typing codes, then the following ones become faster, to show that we supported multiple languages. image

huan commented 2 years ago

@windmemory Thank you very much for the sharing, I agree with all of your comments and I hope we can make improvements by following your suggestions.

For point 4, I love the idea of typing each language in the terminal, and final animating them together to make some cool effects. The flyer source .PSD file can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OOxBfcpSt1f5z8ITMDkZKULWPvRU5N-7, and please remove the Chinese by replacing English for them.

The following is my new feedbacks:

  1. as I have mentioned at https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty.js.org/pull/1258#discussion_r706380905 too, I'd like to ask the video team to provide some alternative bot avatars so that we can have a better one, if possible.
  2. please change "Robotic Process Automation | Software Developerment Kit" in Scene 3 "Robotic Process Automation | Conversational User Interface"
  3. It would be great if we can get a more conversational-friendly / software bot avatar in all scenes. (like on pages 16-20)
  4. the background icons on page 27 (scene 6, screen swish to animate icons) look not very related to the topic/script/text, could we change them to be more related to the text?
  5. page 34 (scene 8, "Wechaty is the smartest RPC chatbot maker") the sentence seems not right. I believe the whole sentence should be improved before we can use it.
  6. page 38 (scene 9): remove https:// from the domain name. Just keep wechaty.js.org should be enough.

@sajenjeshan1222 Please follow the feedbacks/comments from @windmemory and me.

And also, could you please ask for feedbacks from all of our tech writers in the following GSoD'21 weekly meeting? It would be great if we can have more feedbacks and speed up to finalize our intro video.

Thank you very much.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Thank you @windmemory and @huan for you feedbacks and changes. I will reach you back one these changes are finished.

Valerieeeee commented 2 years ago


sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Hi @huan I have discussed with the ADVIDS team and have informed all the changes that was said by you and @windmemory. The point 4 that was said by @windmemory will increase the duration of the video and also there may be an additional cost added.

Once the new storyboard draft is ready with all the changes implemented I will let you know. Thank you.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago


  • (00:01) At the very beginning

    • Change to>

    • a: the cartoon chatbot icon appear first not the letter "Y"

    • b: delete "??" on cartoon chatbot icon's eyes

  • (00:05) Change to> a: keep only one bot
  • (00:08) attention: here the box animation appears twice, which looks like a bug for me honestly

    • change the box animation to refer to others' comments above.

ok @Valerieeeee I will inform the ADVIDS team once the new storyboard is ready. Thank you for the changes.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

@huan As you asked I requested ADVIDS team to share few bot avatar options and now I am sharing those bot avatar options which was made by ADVISD team.

Please choose your preferred option from the PDF that I have attached below, which contains bot avatars.

Bot avatar options: ChatBot Options.pdf

lijiarui commented 2 years ago

@sajenjeshan1222 I suggest adding all of the avatars to the comments, community members can vote for what they like.

BTW, I prefer the avatar to refer to zizz line as zizz blog mentioned.


And also, I have a question, why shouldn't we use the Wechaty logo instead of creating a new bot avatar? I think the Wechaty logo is already a fantastic bot avatar for this moment.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

@sajenjeshan1222 I suggest adding all of the avatars to the comments, community members can vote for what they like.

@lijiarui ok I will post all the avatars to the comments and as you said community members can vote what they like.

BTW, I prefer the avatar to refer to zizz line as zizz blog mentioned.

ok I will convey to ADVIDS team regarding this


And also, I have a question, why shouldn't we use the Wechaty logo instead of creating a new bot avatar? I think the Wechaty logo is already a fantastic bot avatar for this moment.

Yes using the wechaty logo is a good idea, Since @huan requested for additional bot options the ADVIDS team gave us these options to select the preferred one.

I will go thought all the comments and all of our community members idea then I will give inputs to the ADVIDS team by seeing which fits the best in that scene. Thank you.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Everyone please choose your preferred bot avatar option from the avatars below:

  1. Bot avatar 1 Screenshot (574)

  2. Bot avatar 2 Screenshot (575)

  3. Bot avatar 3 Screenshot (576)

  4. Bot avatar 4 Screenshot (577)

  5. Bot avatar 5 Screenshot (578)

  6. Bot avatar 6 Screenshot (579)

lijiarui commented 2 years ago

Yes using the wechaty logo is a good idea, Since @huan requested for additional bot options the ADVIDS team gave us these options to select the preferred one.

Hi @sajenjeshan1222 I have discussed with @huan, we can just use the wechaty logo instead of any other bot avatar.

huan commented 2 years ago

Dear @sajenjeshan1222 ,

Thank you very much for collecting the feedback from @windmemory @Valerieeeee @lijiarui and me, and help us to be understood by the ADVISD team!

For the bot avatar, I agree with @lijiarui that we should just use the Wechaty logo instead of any other bot avatar. (after reviewed all the additional ones)

The point 4 that was said by @windmemory will increase the duration of the video and also there may be an additional cost added.

Could you please share the current budget for our video from ADVISD team? Let's make sure the budget is under control and we can adjust it if there are any over-budget possibilities.

Thank you very much!

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Yes using the wechaty logo is a good idea, Since @huan requested for additional bot options the ADVIDS team gave us these options to select the preferred one.

Hi @sajenjeshan1222 I have discussed with @huan, we can just use the wechaty logo instead of any other bot avatar.

@lijiarui Thank you for the response, So we will be using the logo of wechaty instead of the bots in the introduction video.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Dear @sajenjeshan1222 ,

Thank you very much for collecting the feedback from @windmemory @Valerieeeee @lijiarui and me, and help us to be understood by the ADVISD team!

For the bot avatar, I agree with @lijiarui that we should just use the Wechaty logo instead of any other bot avatar. (after reviewed all the additional ones)

ok @huan I will intimate the changes to the ADVIDS team.

The point 4 that was said by @windmemory will increase the duration of the video and also there may be an additional cost added.

Could you please share the current budget for our video from ADVISD team? Let's make sure the budget is under control and we can adjust it if there are any over-budget possibilities.

I will ask the ADVIDS team regarding the total cost and I will discuss about all the necessary things about the budget and let you know as soon as possible. Thank you.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Hi @huan and @lijiarui The revised storyboard draft is ready now by following your above changes and I am sharing that storyboard here and please review the new storyboard and please share your thoughts on it.

New revised storyboard: Wechaty_Revised_Storyboard.pdf

Valerieeeee commented 2 years ago

Feedback to latest storyboard

Page 3: Make sure the animation starts with the LOGO, not the random letter ’T’ /‘Y’. Page 6 Plz delete the ‘?’s On the logo Page 8 Whiteboard here is unnecessary Page 18-21: Every single icon is of almost the same size. The screen looks too crowded. Page 30-32 Vs Page 38-42: I prefer the first one Page 33: “Wechaty is a Conversational RPA SDK which provides Chatbot Makers to create conversational chatbots with quick setup through 6 lines of code. “

Valerieeeee commented 2 years ago


👆 change to:“Wechaty is a Conversational RPA SDK which provides Chatbot Makers to create conversational chatbots with quick setup through 6 lines of code. “

lijiarui commented 2 years ago

Hi @@sajenjeshan1222

First of all, Wechaty is correct, not WeChaty. Please pay more attention to the typo.

1. Make TypeScript be the biggest logo since Wechaty is mainly written in Typescript


2. As we discussed before, we should use the Wechaty logo here.


3. If this is an English version video, we should always use English here, instead of 六行代码把 IM 变成聊天机器人. How about Create a bot in 6 lines of code or something like this.


sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Thank you @Valerieeeee and @lijiarui for your comments and changes I will intimate this to ADVIDS team and let you know once the changes are done.

Valerieeeee commented 2 years ago

Thank you @Valerieeeee and @lijiarui for your comments and changes I will intimate this to ADVIDS team and let you know once the changes are done.

Plz add Zizz line on the logo(2021-09-25-storyboard-page 31) as everyone mentioned repeatedly that little thing is pretty important ... Thanks @sajenjeshan1222

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

The new revised storyboard draft is ready now by following your above changes and I am sharing that storyboard here and please review the new storyboard and please share your thoughts on it.

New revised storyboard: Wechaty_new_revised_storyboard.pdf

lijiarui commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @sajenjeshan1222

Two more tips are as follows:

1. change developer number

10,000 Developers ---> 100,000 Developers, and I suggest we change the sequence of all the matters, from the smallest number to the biggest one.


2. change the slogan


sajen-k commented 2 years ago

@lijiarui Thank you for the above feedback I will let you once this changes are made.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

The new revised storyboard draft is ready now by following your above changes and I am sharing that storyboard here and please review the new storyboard and please share your thoughts on it.

New revised storyboard: Wechaty_New_Storyboard.pdf

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I have shared the revised storyboard above so I would like everyone to review it and give your feedback and the ADVIDS team is waiting for our instruction regarding the new storyboard so once the storyboard is approved by all of us they will start making the introduction video.

Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain commented 2 years ago

@sajenjeshan1222 is the new landing page introduction video ready?

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

@Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain As I previously stated, the revised storyboard draft is ready, and mentors and other community members should review it. Once the revised storyboard draft is approved by mentors, the ADVIDS team will begin the process of creating the video. For the time being, the new revised storyboard draft is ready, and the ADVIDS team is waiting for our feedback on it before proceeding.

Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain commented 2 years ago

@Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain As I previously stated, the revised storyboard draft is ready, and mentors and other community members should review it. Once the revised storyboard draft is approved by mentors, the ADVIDS team will begin the process of creating the video. For the time being, the new revised storyboard draft is ready, and the ADVIDS team is waiting for our feedback on it before proceeding.

Revised storyboard draft seems fine to me, should we proceed further @proudofsimin, @Valerieeeee, @huan, @lijiarui ?

YuSihe88 commented 2 years ago

hello ,I'm a new developer. I benefited a lot from Huan's explanation two days ago. I've encountered some problems in my current development. The address generated in the localtunnel can't be opened smoothly. Have you encountered similar situations and solved them? Or is there any other way to replace it?

Valerieeeee commented 2 years ago

@Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain As I previously stated, the revised storyboard draft is ready, and mentors and other community members should review it. Once the revised storyboard draft is approved by mentors, the ADVIDS team will begin the process of creating the video. For the time being, the new revised storyboard draft is ready, and the ADVIDS team is waiting for our feedback on it before proceeding.

Revised storyboard draft seems fine to me, should we proceed further @proudofsimin, @Valerieeeee, @huan, @lijiarui ?

I'm good with the storyboard. What about others? Let's push forward with it.

proudofsimin commented 2 years ago

@Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain As I previously stated, the revised storyboard draft is ready, and mentors and other community members should review it. Once the revised storyboard draft is approved by mentors, the ADVIDS team will begin the process of creating the video. For the time being, the new revised storyboard draft is ready, and the ADVIDS team is waiting for our feedback on it before proceeding.

Revised storyboard draft seems fine to me, should we proceed further @proudofsimin, @Valerieeeee, @huan, @lijiarui ?

It looks great! I like it.

Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain commented 2 years ago

@huan and @lijiarui can I confirm them to move towards the animation?

lijiarui commented 2 years ago

@Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain Sure, Please move on. Thanks!

huan commented 2 years ago

@Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain thanks for helping the team to push the project forward.

I'm good with the storyboard too, please move towards the animation.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

The Wechaty draft introduction video is ready now by following our comments on the revised storyboard and I request everyone to have a look at the video and let me know your comments and feedbacks on the draft introduction video. Thank you.

Please have a look: Wechaty Draft Introduction Video

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I have shared the Wechaty draft introduction video above.

Everyone please take a look and share your feedbacks on it and ADVIDS team is waiting for our feedback to proceed forward.

Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I have shared the Wechaty draft introduction video above.

Everyone please take a look and share your feedbacks on it and ADVIDS team is waiting for our feedback to proceed forward.

I think I have already given my feedback upon this.

huan commented 2 years ago

@sajenjeshan1222 thank you so much for pushing this moving forward.

Please help the wechaty community to finish this project and upload the video to YouTube and embed it in our homepage.

We can pay the ADVIDS on OCF after we get approved by all the volunteers(2), the landing page team(2), and 2 more writers (6 approvals minimum).

I hope we can finish this process no later than next week, thank you very much!

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I have shared the Wechaty draft introduction video above. Everyone please take a look and share your feedbacks on it and ADVIDS team is waiting for our feedback to proceed forward.

I think I have already given my feedback upon this.

@Rohitesh-Kumar-Jain yes, I received your response and I am waiting for others members for their feedbacks.

sajen-k commented 2 years ago

@sajenjeshan1222 thank you so much for pushing this moving forward.

Please help the wechaty community to finish this project and upload the video to YouTube and embed it in our homepage.

We can pay the ADVIDS on OCF after we get approved by all the volunteers(2), the landing page team(2), and 2 more writers (6 approvals minimum).

I hope we can finish this process no later than next week, thank you very much!

Hi @huan I spoke with the ADVIDS team, and they are waiting for the advance payment that they submitted on OCF earlier to be processed.

Regarding the video I would like to ask you that do you have any changes to do on the Wechaty Draft Introduction Video and can we proceed with this video to move into production?

Once the video is ready we can upload it on YouTube and I will embed it in our homepage. Thank you.

huan commented 2 years ago

Yes, I can approve the payment on OCF after we get approved by all the volunteers(2), the landing page team(2), and 2 more writers (6 approvals minimum).

Please help yourself to collect the approvals. After it meet the requirements, please list all the approvals in details by commenting this issue.

After that, I will go to OCF and approve the payment ASAP.

Thank you very much