wechaty / getting-started

A Starter Project Template for Wechaty works out-of-the-box
Apache License 2.0
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Many examples are a few years old and report errors, is there an updated example #233

Open brotherbear2008 opened 2 years ago

brotherbear2008 commented 2 years ago

I'm currently trying to send various types of messages, and I can't find the UrlLink class, so I don't know how to refer to it.

huan commented 2 years ago
const wechaty = WechatyBuilder.build()
const urlLink = wechaty.UrlLink.create('https://wechaty.js.org')

All Wechaty User Module (WUM) follow the above pattern.

I'd like to accept PRs to fix the example code by updating them to satisfy the latest API.

brotherbear2008 commented 2 years ago
