wechaty / go-wechaty

Go Wechaty is a Conversational SDK for Chatbot Makers Written in Go
Apache License 2.0
486 stars 92 forks source link

写了一篇使用感受,接下来就是细致的优化啦! #109

Closed Ran-Xing closed 2 years ago

Ran-Xing commented 2 years ago

这篇文章仅授权 wecahty

关于 wechaty 使用一周的感受与教程


Type: Individual user
usage mode: Store messages and manage messages

How to Use

What are you going to do

  1. Make for the company

    1. Recommend to use

      Polyglot TypeScript,JavaScript,Java,Python,Go Puppet-providers: Service, PadLocal, Xp, Wechat, Wechat4u

  2. Make it for yourself

    1. Recommend to use

      Polyglot JavaScript,Php,Python,Go Puppet-providers: Service, Xp, Wechat, Wechat4u

  3. Eazy to use

    ## Gateway
    cnpm install -g wechaty wechaty-puppet-xp
    wechaty gateway --puppet {WECHATY_PUPPET} --port {WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVER_PORT} --token {WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_TOKEN} --puppet-token {WECHATY_TOKEN}
    ## Server

How to find Problems

  1. Check the issues
  2. Chat with everyone


Network error: https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/issues?q=network+error
Rpc error: https://github.com/wechaty/go-wechaty/search?q=err%3Arpc+error%3A+code+%3D+Unavailable+desc+%3D+connection&type=issues

How to find Document

Api : Message, Room, Friendship

Polyglot : Go, Java, Python

Puppet Providers : WeChat, XP, WeChat4U

Puppet Services : PadLocal, WXWork

Specifications : Wechaty, Plugin, Puppet, Service, Token, Gateway

Quick start


## windows puppet-xp port 30000

cnpm install -g wechaty@1.11 wechaty-puppet-xp
@wechaty gateway --puppet wechaty-puppet-xp --port 30000 --token insecure_559c97f1-c6a9-39b0-8f98-288b05f315cd --puppet-token f5c70044-42ea-12ca-ae78-b5ece72dde59

## save to bat


// 1. Viper Get config
// 2. viper.Getstring set Arg (wechaty-puppet-xp)
// 3. Third party robot corpus(tuling123)
// 4. WebHook(Dingding,Telegram)

// >>> config.yaml <<<
  CHAT: off
  WECHATY_PUPPET: wechaty-puppet-xp

// >>> main.go <<<
package main
import (
  // ...
func init() {
    log.SetPrefix("[WechatyBot] ") // 设置日志前缀
    log.SetFlags(log.Ltime | log.Lshortfile)

    success := "[\033[01;32m✓\033[0m] "
    faild := "[\033[01;31m✗\033[0m] "
    info := "[\033[01;33m➜\033[0m] "
    rootPath, _ := os.Getwd()

    viper.Set("rootPath", rootPath)
    if err = viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
        log.Printf("%v读取配置文件失败%v", os.Getenv("faild"), err)
    } else {
        viper.Set("success", success)
        viper.Set("rootPath", rootPath)

func main() {
    Api.DingBot() // Check the dingding configuration
        var bot = wechaty.NewWechaty(wechaty.WithPuppetOption(wp.Option{
        Token:    viper.GetString("Wechaty.WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_TOKEN"),
        Endpoint: viper.GetString("Wechaty.URL"),
    // 根据观察,这里不要设置 TOKEN 了,全部用Option吧,少年

func onMessage(context *wechaty.Context, message *user.Message) {
    if message.Self() {
        log.Printf("%sBot Chat:%s %s \n", viper.GetString("info"), message.From().Name(), message.Text())
    } else if message.From().ID() == viper.GetString("AdminID") {
        if message.Text() == "chat.off" {
            setEnv("CHAT", "off")
        } else if message.Text() == "chat.on" {
            setEnv("CHAT", "on")
        } else {
            Admin.Admin(context, message)
    } else if message.Room() != nil {
        if viper.GetString("CHAT") !="off"{
                // Private.Chat(context, message)
                message.Say(TulingBot(message.Text())) // TulingBot use tuling123 api
        log.Printf("%s%s @我了 ta 说: %s, 回复了: %s", viper.GetString("info"), message.From().Name(), message.Text(), reply)
    } else {
        //  如果不是群消息,那就是联系人消息
        if viper.GetString("CHAT") !="off"{
      if string(message.Text())=="在吗?" {
Auth WrchatID == XRSec_MSG


  1. I am using the xp protocol and go language, so I need a gateway as support. It seems that the new version of wechaty will automatically determine whether the IP of the gateway and the server is equal to the IP of the same exit. If they are equal, there is no need to open the port, and no public IP is required
  2. The new version requires TLS encryption, if you need to cancel encryption, please set WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_NO_TLS_INSECURE_SERVER=true parameter @environment

XRSec has the right to modify and interpret this article. If you want to reprint or disseminate this article, you must ensure the integrity of this article, including all contents such as copyright notice. Without the permission of the author, the content of this article shall not be modified or increased or decreased arbitrarily, and it shall not be used for commercial purposes in any way

huan commented 2 years ago

Great summarization!

Thank you very much for the sharing, and lining forward to your revised version and creating an PR on our blog website!

Ran-Xing commented 2 years ago

@huan 我想我不会的,让你失望了,哈哈

jyxinye commented 2 years ago


huan commented 2 years ago

@XRSec that's totally fine, I'm just making a suggestion.

I hope you enjoy your Wechaty bot, have a nice day!

huan commented 2 years ago

@XRSec that's absolutely fine, I was just making a suggestion, you can take it easy.

I hope you enjoy your Wechaty bot, have a nice day!

Ran-Xing commented 2 years ago


Ran-Xing commented 2 years ago

@huan I would like to participate in your support program as a network security maintainer, what do I need to submit for the demand contribution of product security?

huan commented 2 years ago

Glad to know that!

I think you can contribute to the code base by creating a Pill Request, or publish a blog post in our website!

Ran-Xing commented 2 years ago

@huan OK,i will

Ran-Xing commented 2 years ago

@huan I found your github token in your docker image, but it has expired. I hope you will pay attention to your privacy information

Ran-Xing commented 2 years ago

@huan 请问,文档有要求一定得是英文吗?

huan commented 2 years ago

No, any language will be ok!

Pick which you most favorite of!