wechaty / puppet-xp

Wechaty Puppet WeChat Windows Protocol
Apache License 2.0
472 stars 114 forks source link

save image error #161

Open JuoJuo opened 1 year ago

JuoJuo commented 1 year ago

puppet-xp latest version


22:20:49 INFO PuppetXp messageImage(clb6lfm6h000074ou7n4qdjzo, 2[HD])
22:20:49 INFO C:\Users\lirenjie\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_u1aox5vhmk3e22\FileStorage\Image\2022-12\d6cf955199daa7a3e146783d33936808.dat true
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, access 'C:\Users\lirenjie\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_u1aox5vhmk3e22\FileStorage\Image\2022-12\d6cf955199daa7a3e146783d33936808.dat'] {
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'access',
  path: 'C:\\Users\\lirenjie\\Documents\\WeChat Files\\wxid_u1aox5vhmk3e22\\FileStorage\\Image\\2022-12\\d6cf955199daa7a3e146783d33936808.dat'
22:20:52 INFO PuppetXp messageImage(clb6lfm6h000074ou7n4qdjzo, 2[HD])
22:20:52 INFO C:\Users\lirenjie\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_u1aox5vhmk3e22\FileStorage\Image\2022-12\d6cf955199daa7a3e146783d33936808.dat true
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, access 'C:\Users\lirenjie\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_u1aox5vhmk3e22\FileStorage\Image\2022-12\d6cf955199daa7a3e146783d33936808.dat'] {
  errno: -4058,
  syscall: 'access',
  path: 'C:\\Users\\lirenjie\\Documents\\WeChat Files\\wxid_u1aox5vhmk3e22\\FileStorage\\Image\\2022-12\\d6cf955199daa7a3e146783d33936808.dat'
DanneLeung commented 1 year ago

have the same problem, images not download automatically.

choogoo commented 1 year ago

This is because the WeChat client has not completely downloaded the pictures to the local area. It usually occurs when the picture size is relatively large. Try adding a delay when receiving pictures to alleviate this problem, but it cannot be eradicated.

DanneLeung commented 1 year ago

This is because the WeChat client has not completely downloaded the pictures to the local area. It usually occurs when the picture size is relatively large. Try adding a delay when receiving pictures to alleviate this problem, but it cannot be eradicated.

Adding delay can not fix this problem, should add some params to make Wechat download image automatically!!! If I once run ntchat/itchat(other framework) program, then images can be automatically downloaded!!!

godisboy0 commented 1 year ago

well, did you slove this problem. cause I have a same one now...