wechaty / python-wechaty

Python Wechaty is a Conversational RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers written in Python
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: 发送消息失败 The text (xxx) is banned #370

Open y1nglamore opened 1 year ago

y1nglamore commented 1 year ago


- wechaty: 0.10.0
- wechaty-puppet:  0.4.21
- wechaty-puppet-service: 0.8.10
- wechaty-grpc: 0.20.19
- token type: paimon



2022-09-23 11:18:56,483 - Room - INFO - Room say <这是消息提醒某些人打卡用的, ['wxid_nc3x4kjr5fm811', 'wxid_q8qx8afs0gms22', 'wxid_2h3evw7rrj6922', 'wxid_pzfu5lnuqatx22', 'wxid_jrrcvcfxhecc22', 'wxid_59432obojide12']>
2022-09-23 11:18:56,739 - PuppetService - INFO - receive error info <{'code': 36, 'msg': 'The text (@xxxxx \n这是消息提醒某些人打卡用的) is banned'}>
2022-09-23 11:18:56,739 - WechatyPuppet.Schema.Base - WARNING - invalid fields: <['msg', 'code']> to initialize type<<class 'wechaty_puppet.schemas.event.EventErrorPayload'>> which are should not be here, we suggest that you should post an issue to python-wechaty to fix this issue 
you should give these infos: 
* the version of wechaty:                       0.10.0
* the version of wechaty_puppet:                0.4.21
* the version of wechaty_puppet_service:        0.8.10
* the token type: <unkonwn> token 

### Minimum reproducible code

await room.say(message, mention_ids=mention_ids)
y1nglamore commented 1 year ago

应该是发了at的原因,去掉了at就好了,并且at别的群的人是ok的,所以我猜测是因为被at的某些群成员的特殊微信名导致的问题 :

wj-Mcat commented 1 year ago

There are some unexpected data structure to room. and protocol of paimon maintains some diffs with python-wechaty.

Glad to see that you fix the issue. Please go on .