wechaty / summer

Summer of Wechaty (SoW) is a program for connecting students with the Wechaty community for coding & tech writing.
Apache License 2.0
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[Project] Wechaty Todo List #67

Open Jesn opened 3 years ago

Jesn commented 3 years ago

Hello, students!

We hope that wechaty can support todo plugin, so that users can easily process to-do through wechat without having to install other apps

Try us and learn about wechaty code through examples!

Requirement introduction: [# 50]( https://github.com/wechaty/wishlist/issues/50 )

Skills required for all projects Git version control github.com Collaborative software development on Web Use at least one of wechaty's six languages for software development on at least one of Linux, MacOS and windows. Implement wechaty todo, a plug-in with type support. The structure of the design code should be clear-cut with strong expansibility. The data needs to be stored permanently. The storage types can be sqllite, mysql, sqlserver, mongodb, PostgreSQL, etc

Essential skills:

huan commented 3 years ago

Good to have you on our mentor list!

Please help yourself to add your ideas to our ideas list page at https://wechaty.js.org/docs/gsoc/2021 (by sending PR), then let me know and we can review it together.

Thank you very much!

Jesn commented 3 years ago

example:meeting-scheduler The Kloudless Meeting Scheduler is a JavaScript library that allows your users to create and schedule meetings with each other

The Meeting Scheduler is currently compatible with the following calendar providers using the Kloudless Calendar API: