wechaty / wishlist

Puppets, Bots, and other Tooling Requested by Community Members
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Wechaty cluster management system #39

Open padlocal opened 3 years ago

padlocal commented 3 years ago

Propose to create a handy system/framework to manage multiple Wechaty bot instances, including following features:

  1. Bot management: create, start, stop, shutdown, delete.
  2. Bot function integration: send message, processing message, etc
  3. Hot reloadable plugin ecosystem, to enable to extend functionality easily.
huan commented 3 years ago

I'm very glad to read your proposal for this great feature!

I have some names sharing with you in my mind with your three features:

Bot management: create, start, stop, shutdown, delete.

I call this managed bot system the Hostie

Bot function integration: send message, processing message, etc

I call those integrative functions the Giftie

Hot reloadable plugin ecosystem, to enable to extend functionality easily.

For this reloadable plugin ecosystem, I believe it's a cloudified Wechaty program, I call it the Chatie


Read more thoughts about the above image from my five years old slides