wechaty / wishlist

Puppets, Bots, and other Tooling Requested by Community Members
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A plugin makes bot as a room inviter and an information collector #5

Open huan opened 4 years ago

huan commented 4 years ago

Like the TypeForm, if any user requires to join a room, we collect the information that we want before send the final invitation to the requesting user.

For example, our Friday bot is inviting Wechaty developers to our WeChat group. I'd like to know their GitHub account before they join, and want to make sure they have agreed to our Code of Conduct before they can receive the invitation.

And also, I'd like to show a developer list on our website, which I believe it would be better to be agreed explicitly by the developers as an opt-in.

Need to be powered by https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/issues/1939