weebsquad / pyboat

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Bot not sending command responses #104

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Yo I'm trying to get PyBoat up and running in my own server and it's not doing anything at all. Here is my console log if it helps:

(!) Plugin typescript: @rollup/plugin-typescript TS2367: This condition will always return 'false' since the types 'Type' and '20' have no overlap.
src/modules/admin.ts: (214:65)

214       if (message.webhookId !== null || (message.application && message.type === 20)) {

created ./dist/bundle.js in 10.8s

> pyboat@1.8.10 publish
> node cd/publish.js

[ '180734778465587200' ] [] [] []
Published to Developer Corner (801125364218200074) successfully (Revision 530)!
WS Open
PYLON LOG: No config
PYLON LOG: loading language files
PYLON LOG: Initialized on VM (config loaded) Cpu time so far: 15ms
PYLON LOG: Executed modules for a MESSAGE_CREATE event. -- CPU Time so far: 2ms

The only thing it does when i attempt a command is put this into the console log:

PYLON LOG: Executed modules for a MESSAGE_CREATE event. -- CPU Time so far: 2ms

There is no response at all in Discord.

Here is my config.json if it helps:

  "guildId": "801125364218200074",
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        "__key": "801125364252147743",
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        "level": 250
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        "level": 999
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        "level": 999
  "modules": {
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    "admin": {
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          "__key": "801125364252147743",
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          "__key": "801160627283689512",
          "alias": "Helper"
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          "__key": "867815395129294868",
          "alias": "Errite"
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          "__key": "867927118724599818",
          "alias": "Discord"
          "__key": "867926859407589377",
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          "__key": "867928037952487494",
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          "__key": "867927928929919046",
          "alias": "Barcode Gaming"
          "__key": "867927824797954138",
          "alias": "Sports Empire"
          "__key": "867930129890947083",
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    "antiPing": {
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      "caughtMessages": [],
      "actualCaughtMessage": "Don't ping staff members directly! If you need help, ping one of our staff roles.",
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      "staff": 999,
      "emojiActions": [
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I tried asking for help in your Discord but your bot muted me....

metal0 commented 3 years ago

Lookin' fixed.