weecology / data-sharing-paper

Paper on data sharing in ecology for IEE special issue
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Improvements to the motivation for sharing data #92

Closed ethanwhite closed 11 years ago

ethanwhite commented 11 years ago

Carl Boettiger (#71):

Motivate the data sharing more directly for the reader -- who benefits from these practices? (e.g. highlight individal benefits, community benefits may be more self-evident)

All references you cite identify a cultural challange as dominant. While addressing that is not really the scope / objective here, it would be worth acknowledging this. Recommendation #1 kind of addresses this, but cannot really do justice to it in two paragraphs. The paper will serve as a practical guide to those intersted in doing so, rather than convincing those that have doubts.

That said, the topic sentence at line 50 probably shouldn't be "scientists are reluctant to share..", but something to the effect that incentives have previously been insufficient to encourage sharing but are rapidly shifting.

L50 - 64 The structure of the arguments jump around a bit in this paragraph. I'd recommend something like "1. advantages/ reasons to share", "2. reasons scientists don't share so much yet" and "3. changes". You provide mention of changes in funding requirements and laws, only to switch back to the "reluctant to share".

L. 49. Great set of links. In addition to FASTR, maybe link the recent whitehouse statement that would mandate this as well? Also, not sure what the journal policies are for linking vs formally citing this material.

Lines 33:34 Jones et al are good references, but broader than the evidence for not following 'best-practices'. Consider these citations

Palmer M, Bernhardt ES, Chornesky EA, Collins SL, Dobson AP, et al. 2005. Eco- logical science and sustainability for the 21st century. Front. Ecol. Environ. 3:4–11

You cite this later, but might be appropriate to mention it here;

Parr CS, Cummings MP. 2005. Data sharing in ecology and evolution. Trends Ecol. Evol. 20(7):362–63

The goal of this paper isn't "to convince those that have doubts" (which is being handled by Poisot et al.), but the recommended changes are all good.

ethanwhite commented 11 years ago

Group Discussion:

Agreement to add specific recommendations but not significantly expand the motivation section since this is being covered by Poisot et al.

ethanwhite commented 11 years ago

I've looked through the Palmer et al. paper and it seems like a bit of a stretch for citation here, but maybe I'm missing something. I've added a couple of Parr & Cummings 2005 citations, but not for Lines 33-34 as it doesn't seem to match.