weecology / portal-data-workflow

Repo for the paper outlining the data workflow for Portal
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Contact Sarah #1

Open ethanwhite opened 6 years ago

ethanwhite commented 6 years ago

Hey @sarahsupp - we're working on a paper on the Portal data workflow that you helped start by writing R data checking/cleaning scripts a few years ago. You should totally be involved. The draft we've started is here:


sarahsupp commented 6 years ago

Hi, I think that was more than a "few" years ago, but thanks for the shout out! I'm readjusting back to Ohio after a week in the tropics, but I'll try to take a look at this later in the week when I've escaped grading jail. I'm tickled to hear that those scripts inspired others, and were actually useful! It's been so fun to follow the recent posts on the newly developed Portal data workflow :smiley_cat:

sarahsupp commented 6 years ago

@ethanwhite Is there anything in particular you'd like me to contribute or comment on in this draft? Or should I stay tuned for a future interation of it? I had a quick scan of the ms draft, and I'm really excited about this. Weecology is doing some awesome work... as usual.

ethanwhite commented 6 years ago

We didn't have anything in particular on the list for you, but if you'd like to do some writing I think there are a couple of places that would be easy to jump in. First, the "model system" section, which is basically a description of Portal with some emphasis on the aspects of the data that are relevant to what we're doing. It has a bullet point outline for what we're thinking. Second, @diazrenata has been starting boxes on GitHub and Continuous Integration (Travis) that are intended to provide a general introduction to folks who aren't familiar with these. This is a difficult task and since you've recently been teaching this you might have some good ideas to contribute to those boxes. Third, @skmorgane just finished an overhaul of the Intro to broaden it from ecology to biology, so a round of editing and feedback on it would be useful.

So, feel free to do some work on any or those if you're interested or just stay tuned. We'll probably try to meet again next week to do a working meeting on this. Did you want me to check in with you to see if it will work with your schedule?