weedo3d / TINA2firmware

This is the repository that contains the firmware for theTINA2 3D Printer.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TINA2 build 2.16.0 - Compiling issues and questions #3

Open Sinclair-ZX81 opened 2 years ago

Sinclair-ZX81 commented 2 years ago

Sorry - I'm a total newbie to VSC and struggling with compiling the provided 2.16.0 repository.

I did my first installation of VSC + PlatformIO (latest releases) and put a copy of the repository on my Win10 PC in the folder D:\Source\Marlin\TINA2_FW_Weedo_2.16.0


  1. Missing File CMakeLists.txt I load the source via PlatformIO -> Open Project. Right after loading the Workspace this message comes up: VSC can't find CMakeLists.txt In the original Marlin-Firmware sourcecode repository I see that file located in folder ..\buildroot\share\cmake Why is it missed in the TINA2 2.16.0 repository? Don't we need that?

  2. File c_cpp_properties.json VSC can't find the include folder (2 times), because it doesn't exist in the 2.16.0 repository: grafik My guess: This folder was empty on WEEDO's development PC and got lost when uploading to GitHub. I am right or do we need that folder filled with any files or libs?

  3. Warnings I get the firmware.hex compiled, but the build process ends with 14 warnings (but no errors). Is that normal? grafik grafik Just as a side note: When compiling Marlins most recent v2.0.9.3 (not modified, so 1:1 as downloaded), compiling ends with zero warnings.

  4. File size of firmware.hex (w/ WIFI support) I did not change anything in WEEDOs repository source code. The file size of my compiled build is 561.681 Bytes, but WEEDOs file TINA2_WIFI_V2.16.0.hex in the Release folder has 557.004 Bytes. Is that normal behavior, perhaps related to the PC, on which a compilation will be done? If firmware.hex was built w/o errors (regardless of warnings) - could one say, that the printer actually should run with?

weedo3d commented 2 years ago

Issues: 1. Missing File CMakeLists.txt Compiling TINA2 source code with PlotformIO does not require CMakeLists.txt

Issues: 2. File c_cpp_properties.json PlotformIO will automatically generate the configuration files in the .vscode directory. 图片

Issues: 3. Warnings Don't worry, it doesn't affect the firmware running.

Issues: 4. File size of firmware.hex The size of the hex file is related to the version of the runtime library and compiler. The version of the ATMEL AVR library on my computer is 3.2. It doesn't affect the firmware running. 图片

Sinclair-ZX81 commented 2 years ago

Many thanks for your reply :+1::+1::+1: Regarding issue 2 - I just created an empty "include" folder to get rid of that warning. 🙂