weekCodeing / interview-answe

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40.介绍一下你对浏览器内核的理解? #40

Open webVueBlog opened 4 years ago

webVueBlog commented 4 years ago

主要分成两部分:渲染引擎(layout engineer或Rendering Engine)和JS引擎




webVueBlog commented 4 years ago

There are two main parts: the layout engineer or Rendering Engine and the JS Engine

Rendering engine: responsible for taking the content of the page (HTML, XML, images, etc.), organizing the information (e.g., adding CSS), and calculating how the page will be displayed, which is then output to the monitor or printer. The browser's kernel will interpret the syntax of the page differently, so the rendering will be different. All web browsers, E-mail clients, and other applications that edit and display web content require a kernel

The JS engine parses and executes javascript to make the page dynamic

At first there was no clear distinction between the rendering engine and the JS engine, but as the JS engine became more and more independent, the kernel tended to refer only to the rendering engine