weeknan / DR-Tune

[ICCV2023] DR-Tune: Improving Fine-tuning of Pretrained Visual Models by Distribution Regularization with Semantic Calibration
Apache License 2.0
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comparison with Co-Tuning #1

Closed Huiimin5 closed 8 months ago

Huiimin5 commented 10 months ago

Hello authors,

Thank you so much for releasing the code and sharing this interesting work! It seems your method is comparable with Co-Tuning [1] (please correct me if not), but I cannot find comparative results. Could you please let me know if DR-Tuing outperforms Co-Tuining and intuitively explain how this method is better? That will be very helpful to my understanding. Thank you a lot inadvance for your time. Looking forward to your reply. [1] Kaichao You, Zhi Kou, Mingsheng Long, and JianminWang. Co-tuning for transfer learning. In NeurIPS, 2020. 3.

weeknan commented 10 months ago

Hi, thanks for your attention! Compare DR-Tune with Co-tuning: