There are a number of 'static' pages providing content that is not based on data or what the user is doing. Pages may be 'public' ( accessible to any user with the correct URL) or 'protected' (only accessable to users who have logged into the application).
Static pages include:
Home Page(Public) - static landing page that is the home page for unsigned in users. This page briefly describes the application and invites users to either sign up or contact us.
Other Resources(Public) - A list of links to other sites with information that may be of interest to parents of autistic children
Contact Us(Public) - A page that documents how to contact us, why users should contact us and encourage requests for more functionality.
Help(Protected) - Brief description of the functionality of the app, instructions and dealing with errors and problems.
There are a number of 'static' pages providing content that is not based on data or what the user is doing. Pages may be 'public' ( accessible to any user with the correct URL) or 'protected' (only accessable to users who have logged into the application).
Static pages include: