wefork / wekan

The open-source Trello-like kanban (built with Meteor)
MIT License
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Admin page #13

Closed davydov-vyacheslav closed 7 years ago

davydov-vyacheslav commented 7 years ago

Hi All, taking in account the fact that you're moving all the stuff from wekan's pull requests here (I do appreciate that!) I think that it would be nice to have some kind of admin page (maybe even per each board). Let me explain ... I believe that the most of pull requests weren't merged by @mquandalle because of he would like to them as pluggin ... and I agree with him about this decision. Not all pull-request features are useful for all wekan/wefork users and there should be mechanism to disable one or several features. It would be less messy on the screen for users which want some kind of base functionality and I hope it would be faster a bit for them as they are not trigger odd database requests

xet7 commented 7 years ago


I added this to wefork roadmap.

There is existing pull request on for admin page on original wekan/wekan project, I don't remember where. It would be helpful for somebody to find it and add link here.

I have not yet looked at status of plugin system. Anyway with or without it, there will settings option to enable or disable features in settings. Some platforms like Sandstorm turn those features off that Sandstorm platform already provides.

@mquendalle tried to do complete rewrite, and after that he has not had energy to review and accept pull requests for some months, that's why wefork exists. We are happy to merge back if he sometime comes more active.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I don't remember if it was that pull request https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/618

xet7 commented 7 years ago


Thanks, that's the one I was looking for! There was probably something else also mentioned on original Wekan Gitter chat but I did not have time to scroll back chat history. If someone could find that that then it would be very helpful.


Did you get my email? Please see: https://github.com/wefork/wekan/wiki/FAQ https://github.com/wefork/wekan

ghost commented 7 years ago

I found https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/353 and https://discuss.wekan.io/t/restrict-registration/71/3 And with the filter : https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AFeature%3AUser-accounts And on the original chat at Mar 20 18:42 (Mahan @laupkram)

AccountsTemplates.configure({                                          // 11
  forbidClientAccountCreation: true,
  defaultLayout: 'userFormsLayout',                                    // 12
  defaultContentRegion: 'content',                                     // 13
  confirmPassword: false,                                              // 14
  enablePasswordChange: true,                                          // 15
  sendVerificationEmail: true,                                         // 16
  showForgotPasswordLink: true,                                        // 17
  onLogoutHook: function () {                                          // 18
    var homePage = 'home';                                             // 19
    if (FlowRouter.getRouteName() === homePage) {                      // 20
      FlowRouter.reload();                                             // 21
    } else {                                                           //
      FlowRouter.go(homePage);                                         // 23
    }                                                                  //
  }                                                                    //
});                                                                    //
['signIn', /*'signUp',*/ 'resetPwd', 'forgotPwd', 'enrollAccount'].forEach(function (routeName) {
  return AccountsTemplates.configureRoute(routeName);                  //
xet7 commented 7 years ago


Thanks! I'll assign this to myself and start working on this.

xet7 commented 7 years ago


etc so this will take some time.

ghost commented 7 years ago

No pb, anyway it's a good news that is underway ^^

xet7 commented 7 years ago

This issue was moved to wekan/wekan#790