weglide / bugtracker

WeGlide platform bug tracker.
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Status of the task #213

Closed deltafox44 closed 7 months ago

deltafox44 commented 1 year ago

Describe the Feature

When viewing the flight in WeGlide the "Task" Tab is present every time there is a declaration in the file, and one has to click on it only to find out, sometimes, that :

When the declared task appears to have been flown, but is not scored as "Completed", there is no indication about what was wrong (start line, turn points zones, finish, engine restart...) and it may be difficult to figure it out.

Enhancement request

To show within the Task box the status of the task : Completed, xxx km to first/second/third turn point/finish, or "No start" (which will be the case with an unintentional, remote task).

Such as image to emphasize that the task was completed (wuthout having to look whether the task tab is present or not) or image to clearly state why the task has been missed


For instance in my 26th july flight, the task was not updated and still was the task of the preceding day: image

In my 13 july flight where the task appears to have been completed correctly but is not scored (no task tab); there should be an indication why the task is not valid, if so : image

See also already reported issues https://github.com/weglide/bugtracker/issues/174 & https://github.com/weglide/bugtracker/issues/136).

samuel-git commented 1 year ago

We are aware of this issue but it is a hard problem to solve. Thanks!

deltafox44 commented 8 months ago

Update : there has been significant improvements :

deltafox44 commented 8 months ago

Still missing : when there is a red dot, indicating why (start, TP or finish missed, altitude difference > 1000 m... in my 13 july 2022 flight all these are OK and I still cannot see why the task is red)

Improvement suggested : when the task is shown (after clicking on the task box) then switching to next flight (with left/right arrows on top), on has to click again on the task box to show the task ; this should be changed for convenience and to be coherent with other boxes (satellite picture, Likes, Stats) where the selection remain unchanged for all flight in the list

samuel-git commented 7 months ago

@deltafox44 we implemented a detailed description of what went wrong with the task when clicking on it, thanks for your input!

deltafox44 commented 7 months ago

that's perfect, thank you !

Still, one has to click on the task box for every flight in a list... (see above "Improvement suggested")

And it seems that it only applies to new flights... there is still a mystery for some older flights (see #174)