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Make declared tasks editable #233

Closed techolga closed 1 year ago

techolga commented 1 year ago

Describe the Feature When a task is declared, you are not able to edit it. This is propably the savest way to prevent misstakes with declarations. When planning a task for a local competition or several people this feature makes a lot of trouble because it may be necessary to edit the task spontaneously. The current solution is to delete the task and create a new. But this changes the link and you have to make all modifications from the previous task.

Maybe a "soft" declaration for task from other people may be a solution. A softly declared task should be editable for the owner, this can be used if the owner of a task is trustworthy.

Another idea is a "copy and declare" to have the ability to keep tasks unloocked when someone else has declared it.

samuel-git commented 1 year ago

Hi, we discussed this a lot and the implications of editable declared tasks are too severe.