Closed m43 closed 5 months ago
Already replied via email. Here is a snapshot of the code in case others are also interested.
import torch
def compute_scene_flow(points, normals, t, model):
points_torch: [N, 3] surface points (uniformly sampled from marching cube results) at time step t
normals_torch: [N, 3] surface normal (from the marching cube results) at time step t
t: [1,1] a scalar range from -1 to 1 indicating the time
model: the trained model
In our experiments/visualization we use N = 2000
scene_flow: [N, 3] scene flow computed from sdf flow
sdf_flow = model.implicit_network.forward_sdf(points, t)
sdf_flow = sdf_flow[:,:1]
dist = torch.cdist(points,points,p=2)
dist[dist>0.4] = 10.0
knn = torch.topk(dist,dim=1,k=250,largest=False)
points_knn = points[knn[1]]
normals_knn = normals[knn[1]]
sdf_flow_knn = sdf_flow[knn[1]]
A = torch.cross(points_knn, normals_knn, dim=-1)
A =[A, normals_knn], dim=-1) # [bs,N,6]
AtA = torch.matmul(A.transpose(1, 2), A)
Atb = torch.matmul(A.transpose(1, 2), sdf_flow_knn)
velocities = -torch.matmul(torch.pinverse(AtA), Atb)
scene_flow = torch.cross(velocities[...,:3,0],points,dim=1) + velocities[...,3:,0]
return scene_flow
Thanks again!
Thanks for the nice work! Is the code for computing the scene flow already in the codebase? If not, could you please share a short snippet of how you've computed the scene flow? Thanks!