wei2912 / obsidian-latex

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[Help] Configuring MathJax #21

Open amzon-ex opened 2 years ago

amzon-ex commented 2 years ago

Hi. I'm a little bit in the dark about how to use this plugin beyond defining macros. Is it possible to do things like this: Configuring MathJax? If so, what should I put in preamble.sty?

And any guidelines on what else I can do beyond just adding macros?

wei2912 commented 1 year ago

Think https://github.com/xldenis/obsidian-latex/issues/9 might be of interest to you, if you wish to configure MathJax as per the link you mentioned. (Unfortunately, from what I understand, there's no easy way to do this.)

As for preamble.sty, that's used for LaTeX commands which belong in the preamble, e.g. custom packages or new macros. This would be the easiest way to customise MathJax output.