weibocom / motan

A cross-language remote procedure call(RPC) framework for rapid development of high performance distributed services.
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demo跑不起来 #462

Open zhangDa666 opened 7 years ago

zhangDa666 commented 7 years ago

我就是运行下的DemoRpcClient, 报错:Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'motanDemoReferer': FactoryBean threw exception on object creation; nested exception is error_message: ClusterSupport No service urls for the refer:motan://, registries:[zookeeper://], status: 404, error_code: 10101,r=null

rayzhang0603 commented 7 years ago

可以检查一下 1、是否在本地运行了zookeeper 2、server是否正确注册到了本地zookeeper中,并打开了心跳。


 <motan:registry regProtocol="direct" address="${server ip}: ${server port}" name="motanDemo" />
zhuam commented 7 years ago

是不是已经不用了, 我换成 就可以

rayzhang0603 commented 7 years ago


zhuam commented 7 years ago
