weichengkuo / DeepBox

Code release for DeepBox paper in ICCV 2015
128 stars 57 forks source link

Hi ,I hope you can help me solve a problem,thx #9

Closed dlyldxwl closed 6 years ago

dlyldxwl commented 7 years ago

Hi, I find you do the full object detection of fast Deepbox +fast-rcnn in section 4.8 of your paper, but I don't know how to do to make deepbox as a method of get proposal to finish object detection in fast-rcnn, also ,I don't find the issue in READ ME . I am starting DL no longer,I hope you can help me ,thx!

weichengkuo commented 7 years ago

To set up a object detector with DeepBox, you'll need to download Edgeboxes first, and then run DeepBox on it to re-rank the proposals. Finally, you feed those proposals to Fast-RCNN.