weidengeist / Willowbot

A chat bot intended to be used on Twitch
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 0 forks source link

Warning #11

Closed xlvlx closed 2 weeks ago

xlvlx commented 2 weeks ago

C:\programs\Willowbot>python main_cli.py × There is no logins file in your Willowbot configuration directory: C:\Users\xlvlx\AppData\Roaming\twitch\willowbot Will exit now. Have you configured Willowbot yet (--configure)?

weidengeist commented 2 weeks ago

This is no issue report. You have simply copied and pasted an error message, but you have not described any circumstances under which it appears nor given details about your configuration or steps to reproduce this error message.

The error message clearly states that you probably haven’t configured Willowbot yet. Please read the README.md to get information on how to do so.

xlvlx commented 2 weeks ago

Снимок экрана 2024-06-18 205632 Good afternoon! I completed everything from the list from 1 to 2 items, when I try to launch the bot, this message pops up and the bot collapses! I tried running from two machines, the error is the same!

weidengeist commented 2 weeks ago

I am sorry, but you are still providing far too little information for me to be able to track down the issue.

xlvlx commented 2 weeks ago

Снимок экрана 2024-06-18 210656 Windows 10, 64bitt, Python 3.12 after entering the config function in the command line, it creates 2 files

weidengeist commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting. The issue should now be resolved with the lastest commit.

xlvlx commented 2 weeks ago

well, we've definitely made progress, but there are still errors with the file. "config.py " Снимок экрана 2024-06-18 212629 Снимок экрана 2024-06-18 212416

xlvlx commented 2 weeks ago

screenshot from the second car Снимок экрана 2024-06-18 213414

weidengeist commented 2 weeks ago

Please do

python main_cli --set-config botname [Your bot’s name]

again and be sure that there is no ssl.py file in your Willowbot directory or any custom ssl.py in your Python installation directory.

xlvlx commented 2 weeks ago

at the moment, after manually changing the bot's nickname in the "config" file, he swears at this:

Python 3.11.4 (tags/v3.11.4:d2340ef, Jun 7 2023, 05:45:37) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

= RESTART: C:\Programs\Willowbot\main_cli.py × WARNING! There is no locale for your OS language. Using English. ✔ Successfully loaded the logins file. ✔ Successfully loaded the IRC configuration file. ✔ Successfully loaded the login oauth for 4uupka. ✔ Successfully retrieved moderator (4u**pka) ID: 1060007 and broadcaster (4upka) ID: 1060007. × WARNING! No commands available for channel 4u*pka. • Trying to import module poll. ✔ poll loaded successfully. • Trying to import module modChannelInfo. ✔ modChannelInfo loaded successfully. ✔ Loaded configuration: {'language': 'en', 'URL_API': 'https://api.twitch.tv/helix/', 'dir': 'C:\Users\213\AppData\Roaming\twitch\willowbot', 'botname': '4u*upka', 'clientID': 'e5kdpgd2bbnbj1u5gbjpzeq7vsgwup', 'connectionRetries': 10, 'port': 6697, 'server': 'irc.chat.twitch.tv', 'oauth': '5c5iq0uvlqnu8krqtix9p6o2h7ibzd', 'channel': '4upka', 'moderatorID': '1060007', 'broadcasterID': '1060007'} ✔ Pass sent successfully. ✔ Bot account name 4upka sent successfully. ✔ Successfully entered channel 4upka. 21:59:18: :tmi.twitch.tv 001 4u***pka :Welcome, GLHF!

:tmi.twitch.tv 002 4u***pka :Your host is tmi.twitch.tv

:tmi.twitch.tv 003 4u***pka :This server is rather new

:tmi.twitch.tv 004 4u***pka :-

:tmi.twitch.tv 375 4u***pka :-

:tmi.twitch.tv 372 4u***pka :You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.

:tmi.twitch.tv 376 4u***pka :>

✔ Connected successfully. Waiting for messages on the server. 21:59:18: :4upka!4upka@4u**upka.tmi.twitch.tv JOIN #4u***pka

:4uqpupka.tmi.twitch.tv 353 4upka = #4upka :4u***pka

:4uqpupka.tmi.twitch.tv 366 4upka #4upka :End of /NAMES list

21:59:18: :tmi.twitch.tv CAP * ACK :twitch.tv/tags

:tmi.twitch.tv CAP * ACK :twitch.tv/commands

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Programs\Willowbot\main_cli.py", line 70, in response = irc.getResponse() File "C:\Programs\Willowbot\modules\irc.py", line 122, in getResponse if elapsedSinceLatestCheck >= self.config['disconnectCheckInterval']: KeyError: 'disconnectCheckInterval'

xlvlx commented 2 weeks ago

can you tell me which python modules need to be installed? maybe I don't have enough modules to run!

weidengeist commented 2 weeks ago

There has been a key missing in the config template. Please add

'disconnectCheckInterval' : 10,

to your config.py file or simply run python main_cli.py --configure and python main_cli --set-config botname [botname] again after having fetched the most recent update. A fix has been committed to the repository.

xlvlx commented 2 weeks ago

В шаблоне конфигурации отсутствует ключ. Пожалуйста, добавьте 'disconnectCheckInterval' : 10,

Thank you very much, it helped, the bot sees my messages!