weierwan / Neurram_48core

Verilog and Python drivers and APIs for Neurram 48-core chip
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Query regarding simulation of SNN (Spiking neural network) #1

Open sauravtii opened 1 year ago

sauravtii commented 1 year ago


I just wanted to ask, is there any way that I can run spiking neural network rather than deep neural networks on NeuRRAM chip for training or inference using CIFAR-10 dataset ?

Thank you in advance.

weierwan commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your query. The current version of the NeuRRAM software has not implemented spiking neural network support, but in principle it can be done on the chip. This chip focuses primarily on inference than training.

Hope this answers your question.

sauravtii commented 1 year ago

Okay, thank you for your response.

sauravtii commented 1 year ago


Is it possible for me to simulate SNN now on NeuRRAM chip or I can only do that once the NeuRRAM software implements support for SNN ? And as you mentioned, in principle it can done so can you provide some information about that or any resources from where I can understand how to simulate an SNN on NeuRRAM chip ?

weierwan commented 1 year ago

One way to simulate SNN using current NeuRRAM software is to treat spikes as synchronous binary inputs and let neurons perform a binary A/D conversion every clock cycle, but this is just to simulate the functionality rather than to provide an efficient implementation. The neurons within NeuRRAM do support other operating modes more suited for SNNs, but are not included in the current release.

sauravtii commented 1 year ago

Okay, thanks for the information! In future will there be a functionality on NeuRRAM chip by using which I will be able to simulate SNN ?