weihao / EnchantmentsEnhance

✨ EE is a game progression mechanism plugin for spigot.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Lore problem (Tier repeating & showing no enchantments) #224

Open AndiSlash0723 opened 4 years ago

AndiSlash0723 commented 4 years ago

Edit: 版本为1.16.1,强化时附魔效果没加上去 (我做了个测试 一般村民用钻石剑打三下就死 我用强化到PEN的钻石剑去打 一样三下才死)

最近回锅Minecraft了 依然忘不了这个插件


1) 强化时没有附魔名字 2) Tier那边也一直重覆跟叠加 image

最后强化到PEN时变成这样 image


AndiSlash0723 commented 4 years ago

抱歉忘了讲 版本是1.16.1

HiJackerRZ commented 4 years ago

This is becouse the item is duplicating when someone dies!

HiJackerRZ commented 4 years ago

I have this problem on my server also

AndiSlash0723 commented 4 years ago

My situation was different. I was in my test server alone and enhancing it with skip animation.