weihuoya / citra

A Nintendo 3DS Emulator
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Issue with DLC in multiple games not working on any 2023 MMJ version (but worked prior to that) #872

Open Rocky2418 opened 7 months ago

Rocky2418 commented 7 months ago

I've experienced two issues with the most recent Citra MMJ (using the Antutu version, but they happen in the regular one also). For now I'll just focus on one of the issues. It pertains to DLC. When I try to open my DLC for games like Rusty's Real Deal Baseball and New Super Mario Bros. 2, it doesn't work. (They install successfully, but don't work.) In Rusty's Real Deal, it actually exits the game and gives me a "Error 11: Generic" message. Whereas when I try to open the NSMB2 DLC packs to play, it just kicks me back out to the course selection screen instead of starting the levels. My DLC .cia files are not encrypted, and they came straight from my own 3DS. So I decided to see if the problem was still there in older MMJ versions. It turns out that up until the last version released in 2022 (October), the DLC works fine - for both of the games I mentioned. But starting with the first version in 2023 (April), they don't work. In the April through June versions, the error message for Rusty's Real Deal is "Error 12: Generic" - it changes to "Error 11" starting with the August version. The good news is that for now I can just use the October 2022 version, the last one that didn't have the issue. But it would definitely be nice to figure out how to fix whatever is causing it so I can continue to use more current versions going forward.

Here's some of my info, if it's helpful:

(The only reason I didn't use the slightly newer release is because of the second issue I alluded to but will wait to explain, which popped up in the newest release. And I used the Storage Access version just so as not to interfere with my non-Storage Access 2022 version already set up on my device.) Also, I attempted to include the Citra log that covers this error. But when I went to get it, the Log folder was empty. When I've used the official Citra build, it has automatically created log files and put them there. I've included those when getting help on the official Citra support forums. If anyone can help me figure out how to get Citra MMJ to create the log files, I'll be happy to share it. Until then, there's simply nothing I can find to share. Let me know if anything can be figured out, or if any other info from me would be helpful. Thanks!

Rocky2418 commented 7 months ago

Is anyone around to look into this issue?