weihuoya / citra

A Nintendo 3DS Emulator
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Loss of performance in some games in the new version #891

Open Nycolaz1 opened 5 months ago

Nycolaz1 commented 5 months ago

excessive loss of performance in super smash bros and kirby planet robot, in the newest version

Darkstalix commented 5 months ago

something is off indeed with the new version, Im loading majora mask textures in this version and cache stuttering goes crazy

Tema750 commented 5 months ago

something is off indeed with the new version, Im loading majora mask textures in this version and cache stuttering goes crazy

im also playing that game, but im having some visual bugs when putting on/off the deku mask and using the soaring song, are you experiencing the same?

Darkstalix commented 5 months ago

Tbh i didnt play much of the latest version, what ever zelda game i tried with hd textures it just doesnt work like the previous version, the cache is going crazy Disabling the asynchronous cache or how its called is not for me since i play games with hd textures:/ Im staying to the previous version for now yeah im still on the previous version , cause this one is getting messy while playing.

Tema750 commented 5 months ago


does this happen in your version? if not, can you tell me which version are you using?

Darkstalix commented 5 months ago

No issues at all on the version im using Oct 10, 2023 version no stutter no nothing

Tema750 commented 5 months ago

oh yea btw i tried going back to that version as well and it works pretty much perfectly