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function docstrings for torchdata methods do not show in notebook with ?? #69

Closed rbavery closed 1 year ago

rbavery commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug When I run the jupyter help magic on a zen3geo method I get a docstring for the general partial function

Signature:   dp.search_for_pystac_item(*args, **kwargs)
Type:        partial
String form: functools.partial(<function IterDataPipe.register_datapipe_as_function.<locals>.class_function at 0x14b820f70>, <class 'zen3geo.datapipes.pystac_client.PySTACAPISearcherIterDataPipe'>, False, IterableWrapperIterDataPipe)
File:        ~/.pyenv/versions/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/functools.py
class partial:
    """New function with partial application of the given arguments
    and keywords.

    __slots__ = "func", "args", "keywords", "__dict__", "__weakref__"

    def __new__(cls, func, /, *args, **keywords):
        if not callable(func):
            raise TypeError("the first argument must be callable")

I expect to see the docstring for the zen3geo method so I know what args to supply (like how to pass auth credentials to use a STAC API). The actual docstring is here: https://zen3geo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/zen3geo/datapipes/pystac_client.html?highlight=search_for_pystac_item#

Expected behavior Is there a way to register the correct docstring to a torchdata method? instead of the docstring for partial?

weiji14 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, this is one downside of using torchdata's functional form, and it's actually the same for all the official torch DataPipes upstream in https://github.com/pytorch/data which uses the @functional_datapipe decorator, see https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/664058fa83f1d8eede5d66418abff6e20bd76ca8/torch/utils/data/datapipes/_decorator.py#L11-L38. E.g. if you do dp.map(), it will also show the partial function.

The class-based form is documented though, e.g. help(zen3geo.datapipes.PySTACAPISearcher), but you'll need to know how the functional-form and class-form maps to each other, which requires tab-completing from zen3geo.datapipes, or looking at the online API docs :slightly_smiling_face:

I'm aware of https://docs.python.org/3/library/functools.html#functools.wraps (see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/308999/what-does-functools-wraps-do) which can be set as a decorator to 'copy' the documentation from a wrapped function to a wrapper function, but not sure if it works on a Python class (which the DataPipes are written in).

weiji14 commented 2 years ago

FYI, I've reported this upstream to torchdata at https://github.com/pytorch/data/issues/792, let's see what the response is.

rbavery commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the explanation and posting the other issue.

weiji14 commented 1 year ago

I've fixed the bug upstream as mentioned at https://github.com/pytorch/data/issues/792#issuecomment-1555659014, and using the Pytorch nightly builds (e.g. with pip install --pre torch torchdata --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu121) should show the documentation properly. On torch=2.1.0.dev20230519+cu121 and torchdata=0.7.0.dev20230519, I've confirmed that help(dp.search_for_pystac_item) shows a better docstring when running this code

import torchdata
import zen3geo

dp = torchdata.datapipes.iter.IterableWrapper(iterable=["abc", "def"])

the output should look something like this:

Help on partial in module zen3geo.datapipes.pystac_client:

functools.partial(functools.partial(<function It...rDataPipe'>, False), IterableWrapperIterDataPipe)
    Takes dictionaries containing a STAC API query (as long as the parameters
    are understood by :py:meth:`pystac_client.Client.search`) and yields
    :py:class:`pystac_client.ItemSearch` objects (functional name:

    source_datapipe : IterDataPipe[dict]
        A DataPipe that contains STAC API query parameters in the form of a
        Python dictionary to pass to :py:meth:`pystac_client.Client.search`.
        For example:

        - **bbox** -  A list, tuple, or iterator representing a bounding box of
          2D or 3D coordinates. Results will be filtered to only those
          intersecting the bounding box.
        - **datetime** - Either a single datetime or datetime range used to
          filter results. You may express a single datetime using a
          :py:class:`datetime.datetime` instance, a
          `RFC 3339-compliant <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339>`_
          timestamp, or a simple date string.
        - **collections** - List of one or more Collection IDs or
          :py:class:`pystac.Collection` instances. Only Items in one of the
          provided Collections will be searched.

    catalog_url : str
        The URL of a STAC Catalog.

    kwargs : Optional
        Extra keyword arguments to pass to
        :py:meth:`pystac_client.Client.open`. For example:

        - **headers** - A dictionary of additional headers to use in all
          requests made to any part of this Catalog/API.
        - **parameters** - Optional dictionary of query string parameters to
          include in all requests.
        - **modifier** - A callable that modifies the children collection and
          items returned by this Client. This can be useful for injecting
          authentication parameters into child assets to access data from
          non-public sources.

    item_search : pystac_client.ItemSearch
        A :py:class:`pystac_client.ItemSearch` object instance that represents
        a deferred query to a STAC search endpoint as described in the
        `STAC API - Item Search spec <https://github.com/radiantearth/stac-api-spec/tree/main/item-search>`_.

        If ``pystac_client`` is not installed. See
        :doc:`install instructions for pystac-client <pystac_client:index>`,
        (e.g. via ``pip install pystac-client``) before using this class.

    >>> import pytest
    >>> pystac_client = pytest.importorskip("pystac_client")
    >>> from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IterableWrapper
    >>> from zen3geo.datapipes import PySTACAPISearcher
    >>> # Peform STAC API query using DataPipe
    >>> query = dict(
    ...     bbox=[174.5, -41.37, 174.9, -41.19],
    ...     datetime=["2012-02-20T00:00:00Z", "2022-12-22T00:00:00Z"],
    ...     collections=["cop-dem-glo-30"],
    ... )
    >>> dp = IterableWrapper(iterable=[query])
    >>> dp_pystac_client = dp.search_for_pystac_item(
    ...     catalog_url="https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/api/stac/v1",
    ...     # modifier=planetary_computer.sign_inplace,
    ... )
    >>> # Loop or iterate over the DataPipe stream
    >>> it = iter(dp_pystac_client)
    >>> stac_item_search = next(it)
    >>> stac_items = list(stac_item_search.items())
    >>> stac_items
    [<Item id=Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_S42_00_E174_00_DEM>]
    >>> stac_items[0].properties  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    {'gsd': 30,
     'datetime': '2021-04-22T00:00:00Z',
     'platform': 'TanDEM-X',
     'proj:epsg': 4326,
     'proj:shape': [3600, 3600],
     'proj:transform': [0.0002777777777777778,

Closing as done :sunglasses: