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ES5 ES6继承除写法外的区别 #42

Open weijiyang opened 4 years ago

weijiyang commented 4 years ago
  1. class 声明会提升,但不会初始化赋值。Foo 进入暂时性死区,类似于 let、const 声明变量。
    const bar = new Bar(); // it's ok
    function Bar() {
    this.bar = 42;

const foo = new Foo(); // ReferenceError: Foo is not defined class Foo { constructor() { this.foo = 42; } }

2. class 声明内部会启用严格模式。

// 引用一个未声明的变量 function Bar() { baz = 42; // it's ok } const bar = new Bar();

class Foo { constructor() { fol = 42; // ReferenceError: fol is not defined } } const foo = new Foo();

3. class 的所有方法(包括静态方法和实例方法)都是不可枚举的。

// 引用一个未声明的变量 function Bar() { this.bar = 42; } Bar.answer = function() { return 42; }; Bar.prototype.print = function() { console.log(this.bar); }; const barKeys = Object.keys(Bar); // ['answer'] const barProtoKeys = Object.keys(Bar.prototype); // ['print']

class Foo { constructor() { this.foo = 42; } static answer() { return 42; } print() { console.log(this.foo); } } const fooKeys = Object.keys(Foo); // [] const fooProtoKeys = Object.keys(Foo.prototype); // []

4. class 的所有方法(包括静态方法和实例方法)都没有原型对象 prototype,所以也没有[[construct]],不能使用 new 来调用。

function Bar() { this.bar = 42; } Bar.prototype.print = function() { console.log(this.bar); };

const bar = new Bar(); const barPrint = new bar.print(); // it's ok

class Foo { constructor() { this.foo = 42; } print() { console.log(this.foo); } } const foo = new Foo(); const fooPrint = new foo.print(); // TypeError: foo.print is not a constructor

5. 必须使用 new 调用 class。

function Bar() { this.bar = 42; } const bar = Bar(); // it's ok

class Foo { constructor() { this.foo = 42; } } const foo = Foo(); // TypeError: Class constructor Foo cannot be invoked without 'new'

6. class 内部无法重写类名。

function Bar() { Bar = 'Baz'; // it's ok this.bar = 42; } const bar = new Bar(); // Bar: 'Baz' // bar: Bar {bar: 42}

class Foo { constructor() { this.foo = 42; Foo = 'Fol'; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable } } const foo = new Foo(); Foo = 'Fol'; // it's ok

weijiyang commented 4 years ago

ES5 ES6继承区别