weiliu89 / caffe

Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
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could ssd_pascal.py run on windwos? #171

Open junxigauss opened 8 years ago

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

could ssdpascal.py run on windwos? there is a fault that AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'bool' when I run ssd_pascal.py on windows. help!!!

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

I want to train on windows?Do you have any idea? HELP!!

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

I have already modify source code, So it can test on windows。but the train········

123chengbo commented 8 years ago

it seemed that ssd_pascal.py can run on windows。 but my project cannot import caffe,failed to run it。

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

set PythonPath environment variable to point to \Build\x64\Release\pycaffe, or copy folder \Build\x64\Release\pycaffe\caffe under \lib\site-packages.

but I still can't run on windows。

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/tree/windows See Python

123chengbo commented 8 years ago

I’ve done the things above(set PythonPath environment variable to point to \Build\x64\Release\pycaffe,、and copy folder \Build\x64\Release\pycaffe\caffe under \lib\site-packages),but import caffe still failed。Here are the wrong message: import caffe .......... .......... from . import _tifffile runtimeError:module compiled against API version a but this version of numpy is 9

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

I don't want to waste time on this, I'll plan to train on linux, and test on windows(already done).

123chengbo commented 8 years ago

唉,谁说不是呢。搞个ubuntu的环境多好,本来就是学习这个玩意儿,搭建环境不知道花了多少工夫。 但是我们公司不好搞ubuntu的环境,太恶心了。只能硬着头皮搞windows的

junxigauss commented 8 years ago


junxigauss commented 8 years ago


123chengbo commented 8 years ago

用的conner99的版本,https://github.com/conner99/caffe 他已经做完了windows caffe——>ssd的工作,解决编译的问题就行了。

junxigauss commented 8 years ago


junxigauss commented 8 years ago


123chengbo commented 8 years ago

那个VGGNet模型我之前下了,好像是这个: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kV4PUPT 密码: r5c8。 问一下,你用windows版的caffe、ssd,有没有使用python接口过?caffe的训练、测试倒是用C++就足够了。可是ssd的训练接口好像只能用python接口的。 我现在import caffe 提示google.protobuf相关的错误,头疼的很。


junxigauss commented 8 years ago


123chengbo commented 8 years ago

你之后会尝试windows-ssd的训练吗?要是做的话我可以跟你问问经验。 我已经被搞晕了,趁着假期先休息休息。之后再弄

junxigauss commented 8 years ago


jianan86 commented 8 years ago

@junxigauss 请问windows下cuda版本编译通过了吗?detection_output_layer.cu 这个文件我编译不过 没有遇到吗?

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

@jianan86 我改了这个源码的,保存文件啥的都删了。

123chengbo commented 8 years ago

@jianan86 看看这个, https://github.com/conner99/caffe/issues/20,conner99已经给了如何编译GPU 版本,按照这个来就可以了

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

@jianan86 你是boost要报错吧?


include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>

include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>

endif // USE_OPENCV


include // NOLINT(readability/streams)





//#include "boost/filesystem.hpp" //#include "boost/foreach.hpp"

include "caffe/layers/detection_output_layer.hpp"

namespace caffe {

template <typename Dtype>
void DetectionOutputLayer<Dtype>::Forward_gpu(
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
    const Dtype* loc_data = bottom[0]->gpu_data();
    const Dtype* prior_data = bottom[2]->gpu_data();
    const int num = bottom[0]->num();

    // Decode predictions.
    Blob<Dtype> bbox_preds;
    Dtype* bbox_data = bbox_preds.mutable_gpu_data();
    const int loc_count = bbox_preds.count();
    DecodeBBoxesGPU<Dtype>(loc_count, loc_data, prior_data, code_type_,
        variance_encoded_in_target_, num_priors_, share_location_,
        num_loc_classes_, background_label_id_, bbox_data);
    // Retrieve all decoded location predictions.
    const Dtype* bbox_cpu_data = bbox_preds.cpu_data();
    vector<LabelBBox> all_decode_bboxes;
    GetLocPredictions(bbox_cpu_data, num, num_priors_, num_loc_classes_,
        share_location_, &all_decode_bboxes);

    // Retrieve all confidences.
    const Dtype* conf_data;
    Blob<Dtype> conf_permute;
    Dtype* conf_permute_data = conf_permute.mutable_gpu_data();
    PermuteDataGPU<Dtype>(conf_permute.count(), bottom[1]->gpu_data(),
        num_classes_, num_priors_, 1, conf_permute_data);
    conf_data = conf_permute.cpu_data();
    const bool class_major = true;
    vector<map<int, vector<float> > > all_conf_scores;
    GetConfidenceScores(conf_data, num, num_priors_, num_classes_,
        class_major, &all_conf_scores);

    int num_kept = 0;
    vector<map<int, vector<int> > > all_indices;

    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
        const LabelBBox& decode_bboxes = all_decode_bboxes[i];
        const map<int, vector<float> >& conf_scores = all_conf_scores[i];
        map<int, vector<int> > indices;
        int num_det = 0;

        for (int c = 0; c < num_classes_; ++c) {
            if (c == background_label_id_) {
                // Ignore background class.
            if (conf_scores.find(c) == conf_scores.end()) {
                // Something bad happened if there are no predictions for current label.
                LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find confidence predictions for label " << c;
            const vector<float>& scores = conf_scores.find(c)->second;
            int label = share_location_ ? -1 : c;
            if (decode_bboxes.find(label) == decode_bboxes.end()) {
                // Something bad happened if there are no predictions for current label.
                LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find location predictions for label " << label;
            const vector<NormalizedBBox>& bboxes = decode_bboxes.find(label)->second;
            ApplyNMSFast(bboxes, scores, confidence_threshold_, nms_threshold_,
                top_k_, &(indices[c]));
            num_det += indices[c].size();

        if (keep_top_k_ > -1 && num_det > keep_top_k_) {
            vector<pair<float, pair<int, int> > > score_index_pairs;
            for (map<int, vector<int> >::iterator it = indices.begin();
                it != indices.end(); ++it) {
                int label = it->first;
                const vector<int>& label_indices = it->second;
                if (conf_scores.find(label) == conf_scores.end()) {
                    // Something bad happened for current label.
                    LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find location predictions for " << label;
                const vector<float>& scores = conf_scores.find(label)->second;
                for (int j = 0; j < label_indices.size(); ++j) {
                    int idx = label_indices[j];
                    CHECK_LT(idx, scores.size());
                        scores[idx], std::make_pair(label, idx)));
            // Keep top k results per image.
            std::sort(score_index_pairs.begin(), score_index_pairs.end(),
                SortScorePairDescend<pair<int, int> >);
            // Store the new indices.
            map<int, vector<int> > new_indices;
            for (int j = 0; j < score_index_pairs.size(); ++j) {
                int label = score_index_pairs[j].second.first;
                int idx = score_index_pairs[j].second.second;
            num_kept += keep_top_k_;
        else {
            num_kept += num_det;

    if (num_kept == 0) {
        LOG(INFO) << "Couldn't find any detections";
    vector<int> top_shape(2, 1);
    Dtype* top_data = top[0]->mutable_cpu_data();

    int count = 0;
    //boost::filesystem::path output_directory(output_directory_);
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
        const map<int, vector<float> >& conf_scores = all_conf_scores[i];
        const LabelBBox& decode_bboxes = all_decode_bboxes[i];
        for (map<int, vector<int> >::iterator it = all_indices[i].begin();
            it != all_indices[i].end(); ++it) {
            int label = it->first;
            if (conf_scores.find(label) == conf_scores.end()) {
                // Something bad happened if there are no predictions for current label.
                LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find confidence predictions for " << label;
            const vector<float>& scores = conf_scores.find(label)->second;
            int loc_label = share_location_ ? -1 : label;
            if (decode_bboxes.find(loc_label) == decode_bboxes.end()) {
                // Something bad happened if there are no predictions for current label.
                LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find location predictions for " << loc_label;
            const vector<NormalizedBBox>& bboxes =
            vector<int>& indices = it->second;
            //if (need_save_) {
            //  CHECK(label_to_name_.find(label) != label_to_name_.end())
            //      << "Cannot find label: " << label << " in the label map.";
            //  CHECK_LT(name_count_, names_.size());
            for (int j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j) {
                int idx = indices[j];
                top_data[count * 7] = i;
                top_data[count * 7 + 1] = label;
                top_data[count * 7 + 2] = scores[idx];
                NormalizedBBox clip_bbox;
                ClipBBox(bboxes[idx], &clip_bbox);
                top_data[count * 7 + 3] = clip_bbox.xmin();
                top_data[count * 7 + 4] = clip_bbox.ymin();
                top_data[count * 7 + 5] = clip_bbox.xmax();
                top_data[count * 7 + 6] = clip_bbox.ymax();
        /*      if (need_save_) {
                    NormalizedBBox scale_bbox;
                    ScaleBBox(clip_bbox, sizes_[name_count_].first,
                        sizes_[name_count_].second, &scale_bbox);
                    float score = top_data[count * 7 + 2];
                    float xmin = scale_bbox.xmin();
                    float ymin = scale_bbox.ymin();
                    float xmax = scale_bbox.xmax();
                    float ymax = scale_bbox.ymax();
                    ptree pt_xmin, pt_ymin, pt_width, pt_height;
                    pt_xmin.put<float>("", round(xmin * 100) / 100.);
                    pt_ymin.put<float>("", round(ymin * 100) / 100.);
                    pt_width.put<float>("", round((xmax - xmin) * 100) / 100.);
                    pt_height.put<float>("", round((ymax - ymin) * 100) / 100.);

                    ptree cur_bbox;
                    cur_bbox.push_back(std::make_pair("", pt_xmin));
                    cur_bbox.push_back(std::make_pair("", pt_ymin));
                    cur_bbox.push_back(std::make_pair("", pt_width));
                    cur_bbox.push_back(std::make_pair("", pt_height));

                    ptree cur_det;
                    cur_det.put("image_id", names_[name_count_]);
                    if (output_format_ == "ILSVRC") {
                        cur_det.put<int>("category_id", label);
                    else {
                        cur_det.put("category_id", label_to_name_[label].c_str());
                    cur_det.add_child("bbox", cur_bbox);
                    cur_det.put<float>("score", score);

                    detections_.push_back(std::make_pair("", cur_det));
    /*  if (need_save_) {
            if (name_count_ % num_test_image_ == 0) {
                if (output_format_ == "VOC") {
                    map<string, std::ofstream*> outfiles;
                    for (int c = 0; c < num_classes_; ++c) {
                        if (c == background_label_id_) {
                        string label_name = label_to_name_[c];
                        boost::filesystem::path file(
                            output_name_prefix_ + label_name + ".txt");
                        boost::filesystem::path out_file = output_directory / file;
                        outfiles[label_name] = new std::ofstream(out_file.string().c_str(),
                    BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type &det, detections_.get_child("")) {
                        ptree pt = det.second;
                        string label_name = pt.get<string>("category_id");
                        if (outfiles.find(label_name) == outfiles.end()) {
                            std::cout << "Cannot find " << label_name << std::endl;
                        string image_name = pt.get<string>("image_id");
                        float score = pt.get<float>("score");
                        vector<int> bbox;
                        BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type &elem, pt.get_child("bbox")) {
                        *(outfiles[label_name]) << image_name;
                        *(outfiles[label_name]) << " " << score;
                        *(outfiles[label_name]) << " " << bbox[0] << " " << bbox[1];
                        *(outfiles[label_name]) << " " << bbox[0] + bbox[2];
                        *(outfiles[label_name]) << " " << bbox[1] + bbox[3];
                        *(outfiles[label_name]) << std::endl;
                    for (int c = 0; c < num_classes_; ++c) {
                        if (c == background_label_id_) {
                        string label_name = label_to_name_[c];
                        delete outfiles[label_name];
                else if (output_format_ == "COCO") {
                    boost::filesystem::path output_directory(output_directory_);
                    boost::filesystem::path file(output_name_prefix_ + ".json");
                    boost::filesystem::path out_file = output_directory / file;
                    std::ofstream outfile;
                    outfile.open(out_file.string().c_str(), std::ofstream::out);

                    boost::regex exp("\"(null|true|false|-?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)\"");
                    ptree output;
                    output.add_child("detections", detections_);
                    std::stringstream ss;
                    write_json(ss, output);
                    std::string rv = boost::regex_replace(ss.str(), exp, "$1");
                    outfile << rv.substr(rv.find("["), rv.rfind("]") - rv.find("["))
                        << std::endl << "]" << std::endl;
                else if (output_format_ == "ILSVRC") {
                    boost::filesystem::path output_directory(output_directory_);
                    boost::filesystem::path file(output_name_prefix_ + ".txt");
                    boost::filesystem::path out_file = output_directory / file;
                    std::ofstream outfile;
                    outfile.open(out_file.string().c_str(), std::ofstream::out);

                    BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type &det, detections_.get_child("")) {
                        ptree pt = det.second;
                        int label = pt.get<int>("category_id");
                        string image_name = pt.get<string>("image_id");
                        float score = pt.get<float>("score");
                        vector<int> bbox;
                        BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type &elem, pt.get_child("bbox")) {
                        outfile << image_name << " " << label << " " << score;
                        outfile << " " << bbox[0] << " " << bbox[1];
                        outfile << " " << bbox[0] + bbox[2];
                        outfile << " " << bbox[1] + bbox[3];
                        outfile << std::endl;
                name_count_ = 0;
    if (visualize_) {


        vectorcv::Mat cv_imgs;
        this->data_transformer_->TransformInv(bottom[3], &cv_imgs);
        vectorcv::Scalar colors = GetColors(label_to_display_name_.size());
        VisualizeBBox(cv_imgs, top[0], visualize_threshold_, colors,

endif // USE_OPENCV


} // namespace caffe

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

@jianan86 试试

jianan86 commented 8 years ago

@123chengbo @junxigauss 非常感谢二位,detection_output_layer.cu这个文件搞定了,但bbox_util.cu又出问题,我按照conner99的方法解决了glog的问题,重新编译的时候在caffe.pb.h报error : expected an identifier这个错误,用我自己改的工程和conner99的工程都是一样的问题,很费解。二位高人,有解吗?

123chengbo commented 8 years ago

在工程中删掉bbox_util.cu (他已经说过了:exclude (直接去掉) detection_output_layer.cu and bbox_util.cu from Visual Studio),不编译这2个文件了。

问一下2位,我想用python的接口来调用ssd的训练(实际上就是调用caffe了,只是网络不同),但是提示python中的google_protobuf 安装有问题。(因为我电脑没法上网,所以只能下载安装包、安装、折腾,但是还是出错),你们有弄好caffe的python接口吗? 有没有python下弄好可用的google_protobuf包。 多谢了。 @junxigauss @jianan86 @weiliu89

123chengbo commented 8 years ago

已经搞到了google_protobuf 的包了,现在caffe python 接口已经好了,使用create_data.bat(跟sh一个意思)可以调用conver_annoset生成lmdb 文件。

但是在使用 python examples/ssd/ssd_pascal.py进行训练时报 参数错误,但并未提示具体哪个参数错误...继续调试

123chengbo commented 8 years ago

@junxigauss @jianan86 , 不好意思2位,之前的vgg模型搞错了,现在重新更新一下 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bpwtihx 密码: d1bj 。

cpu下的训练已经跑通了..... 不过超级慢。接着搞gpu下的(还得跟别人借gpu电脑,n个人共用一台,蛋疼)

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

@123chengbo ,还是建议在linux下训练,你那两个文件去掉 detection_output_layer.cu and bbox_util.cu 无法得到评估测试结果。其实就是boost库中filesystem的编译问题。

junxigauss commented 8 years ago

@123chengbo linux下比windows下方便多了

BackT0TheFuture commented 7 years ago

@jianan86 重新编译的时候在caffe.pb.h报error : expected an identifier这个错误 也遇到同样的问题,很奇怪,你解决了没

zhubuntu commented 7 years ago

@jianan86 @goodtogood same with the caffe.pb.h error, please tell me if you solve this problem

TuringKi commented 7 years ago


include "caffe/util/bbox_util.hpp"

include "thrust/functional.h"

include "thrust/sort.h"

xjock commented 7 years ago

@TuringKi Good job!

yiran-THU commented 6 years ago

我去,搞CV的都是中国人吗,最后干脆都中文交流了 - -||||

aBlueMouse commented 6 years ago

我现在也需要在windows下运行ssd,我已经编译通conner99的版本(https://github.com/conner99/caffe) ,我没有用GPU,然后我在ubuntu下能成功运行的python测试代码,在windows这边运行的时候报错为:[libprotobuf ERROR ..\src\google\protobuf\text_format.cc:274] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 881:11: Message type "caffe.PriorBoxParameter" has no field named "offset".请问各位能给些帮助么?

SturdyCat commented 6 years ago

conner99 layers不全的需要使用这里的 caffe/src/caffe/layers/* caffe/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto 源码覆盖过去编译 编译报错还需要导部分报错的头文件就可以了