weilsonwonder / WWCalendarTimeSelector

A android inspired iOS date/time picker
MIT License
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issue Heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[String : Any]'; !!!! #45

Closed SalehAlDhobaie closed 7 years ago

SalehAlDhobaie commented 7 years ago

I just try to install/integrate WWCalendarTimeSelector with existing project. after installing the project I got 4 errors in Lines { 2193, 2194, 2258, 2259 } file "WWCalendarTimeSelector.swift" the description of errors looks same "I add it below".

/Pods/WWCalendarTimeSelector/Sources/WWCalendarTimeSelector.swift:2259:37: Heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[String : Any]'; add explicit type annotation if this is intentional
SalehAlDhobaie commented 7 years ago

seems the issue with "WWCalendarTimeSelector.podspec" seems the cocoapoda still fetching 1.3.13 instead of fetching the latest version as set in the repo!

I tried to add the version explicitly with 1.3.14 but unfourtenately I got this error !

any help @weilsonwonder please

SalehAlDhobaie commented 7 years ago

seems the issue is updating the version in cocoapods. if I write it in Podfile pod 'WWCalendarTimeSelector' will start fetching 1.3.13 !!!! but if add the source explicitly like pod 'WWCalendarTimeSelector', :git => 'https://github.com/weilsonwonder/WWCalendarTimeSelector.git' will fetch the latest version1.3.14 in master branch. I'm not sure about the issue but seems something related to update cocoapods spec