weir12 / DENA

Deep learning model used to detect RNA m6a with read level based on the Nanopore direct RNA data.
MIT License
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argparse problem #3

Closed YCCHEN23 closed 2 years ago

YCCHEN23 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm trying DENA to predict m6A of my data, but I encountered problem at the first step.

python3 ./DENA-public/step4_predict/ get_pos --fasta ~/Desktop/Genome/Arabidopsis/cDNA/transcripts.fa LSTM_ --motif 'RRACH' LSTM_ --output /mnt/858ed1f5-8772-42cf-9d70-f9dc3b880628/candidate_predict_pos.txt

The error message: Usage: [-h] {get_pos,predict} ... Error: unrecognized arguments: LSTM LSTM_

It seems an argparse problem? How could I resolve it? Thanks!

YCCHEN23 commented 2 years ago

Sorry I asked an stupid question, I'm just typing an additional "LSTM_" while I editting the commands, lol

Everything is fine now, thanks!