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Emacs document annotator, using Org-mode
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org-noter-pdftools-create-skeleton "Contents" #152

Open oapneat opened 2 years ago

oapneat commented 2 years ago

I'm getting to grips with org-noter, being able to pull my highlights to an org file is the final piece of the puzzle in my work flow!

However, org-noter-pdftools-create-skeleton creates a rather busy output for my taste. Noteably there is a ' Contents' subheading above the ' Comment' subheading that seems to just contain a random portion of the whole highlight which appears below in the '** Comment' subheading.

Is there a way to simplify the output of org-noter-pdftools-create-skeleton? Or prevent it from producing the '** Contents' subheading??

oapneat commented 2 years ago


Just thought I'd add an image of what the command is current creating.

c1-g commented 2 years ago

This is Emacs where you hack stuffs to get it to your likings. Looking at the code of org-noter-pdftools-create-skeleton, you can easily define your custom version of the function with the part that inserts "Contents" heading removed, which is

(when (car contents)
                 (when org-noter-pdftools-insert-content-heading
                    (org-noter--insert-heading (1+ level) "Contents"))
                 (insert (car contents)))

So here is the custom version with that part removed,

(defun my-org-noter-pdftools-create-skeleton ()
  "Create notes skeleton with the PDF outline or annotations.
Only available with PDF Tools."
    ((eq (org-noter--session-doc-mode session) 'pdf-view-mode)
     (let* ((ast (org-noter--parse-root))
            (top-level (or (org-element-property :level ast) 0))
            (options '(("Outline" . (outline))
                       ("Annotations" . (annots))
                       ("Both" . (outline annots))))
            answer output-data)
       (with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-doc-buffer session)
         (setq answer (assoc (completing-read "What do you want to import? " options nil t) options))

         (when (memq 'outline answer)
           (dolist (item (pdf-info-outline))
             (let ((type  (alist-get 'type item))
                   (page  (alist-get 'page item))
                   (depth (alist-get 'depth item))
                   (title (alist-get 'title item))
                   (top   (alist-get 'top item))
                   pdftools-link path)
               (when (and (eq type 'goto-dest)
                          (> page 0))
                 (when org-noter-pdftools-use-pdftools-link-location
                   (setq path
                         (funcall org-noter-pdftools-path-generator (buffer-file-name)))
                   (if title
                       (setq pdftools-link
                              org-pdftools-link-prefix ":"
                              (number-to-string page)
                              (number-to-string top)
                               " "
                     (setq pdftools-link
                            org-pdftools-link-prefix ":"
                            (number-to-string page)
                            (number-to-string top)))))
                   (if org-noter-pdftools-use-pdftools-link-location pdftools-link
                     (cons page top))
                   (1+ depth)

         (when (memq 'annots answer)
           (let ((possible-annots (list '("Highlights" . highlight)
                                        '("Underlines" . underline)
                                        '("Squigglies" . squiggly)
                                        '("Text notes" . text)
                                        '("Strikeouts" . strike-out)
                                        '("Links" . link)
                                        '("ALL" . all)))
                 chosen-annots insert-contents pages-with-links)
             (while (> (length possible-annots) 1)
               (let* ((chosen-string (completing-read "Which types of annotations do you want? "
                                                      possible-annots nil t))
                      (chosen-pair (assoc chosen-string possible-annots)))
                 (cond ((eq (cdr chosen-pair) 'all)
                        (dolist (annot possible-annots)
                          (when (and (cdr annot) (not (eq (cdr annot) 'all)))
                            (push (cdr annot) chosen-annots)))
                        (setq possible-annots nil))
                       ((cdr chosen-pair)
                        (push (cdr chosen-pair) chosen-annots)
                        (setq possible-annots (delq chosen-pair possible-annots))
                        (when (= 1 (length chosen-annots)) (push '("DONE") possible-annots)))
                        (setq possible-annots nil)))))

             (setq insert-contents (y-or-n-p "Should we insert the annotations contents? "))

             (dolist (item (pdf-info-getannots))
               (let* ((type (alist-get 'type item))
                      (page (alist-get 'page item))
                      (edges (or (org-noter--pdf-tools-edges-to-region (alist-get 'markup-edges item))
                                 (alist-get 'edges item)))
                      (top (nth 1 edges))
                      (item-subject (alist-get 'subject item))
                      (item-contents (alist-get 'contents item))
                      (id (symbol-name (alist-get 'id item)))
                      name contents pdftools-link path)
                 (when org-noter-pdftools-use-pdftools-link-location
                   (setq path (funcall org-noter-pdftools-path-generator (buffer-file-name)))
                   (setq pdftools-link (concat org-pdftools-link-prefix ":" path "::"
                                               (number-to-string page) "++"
                                               (number-to-string top) ";;"

                 (when (and (memq type chosen-annots) (> page 0))
                   (if (eq type 'link)
                       (cl-pushnew page pages-with-links)
                     (setq name (cond ((eq type 'highlight) "Highlight")
                                      ((eq type 'underline) "Underline")
                                      ((eq type 'squiggly) "Squiggly")
                                      ((eq type 'text) "Text note")
                                      ((eq type 'strike-out) "Strikeout")))

                     (when insert-contents
                       (setq contents (cons (pdf-info-gettext page edges)
                                            (and (or (and item-subject (> (length item-subject) 0))
                                                     (and item-contents (> (length item-contents) 0)))
                                                 (concat (or item-subject "")
                                                         (if (and item-subject item-contents) "\n" "")
                                                         (or item-contents ""))))))

                     (push (vector (format "%s on page %d" name page) (if org-noter-pdftools-use-pdftools-link-location
                                                                        (cons page top)) 'inside contents)

             (dolist (page pages-with-links)
               (let ((links (pdf-info-pagelinks page))
                 (dolist (link links)
                   (setq type (alist-get 'type link))
                   (unless (eq type 'goto-dest) ;; NOTE(nox): Ignore internal links
                     (let* ((edges (alist-get 'edges link))
                            (title (alist-get 'title link))
                            (top (nth 1 edges))
                            (target-page (alist-get 'page link))
                            target heading-text pdftools-link path)
                       (when org-noter-pdftools-use-pdftools-link-location
                         (setq path
                               (funcall org-noter-pdftools-path-generator (buffer-file-name)))
                         (setq pdftools-link (concat org-pdftools-link-prefix ":" path "::"
                                                     (number-to-string page) "++"
                                                     (number-to-string top))))
                       (unless (and title (> (length title) 0)) (setq title (pdf-info-gettext page edges)))

                        ((eq type 'uri)
                         (setq target (alist-get 'uri link)
                               heading-text (format "Link on page %d: [[%s][%s]]" page target title)))

                        ((eq type 'goto-remote)
                         (setq target (concat "file:" (alist-get 'filename link))
                               heading-text (format "Link to document on page %d: [[%s][%s]]" page target title))
                         (when target-page
                           (setq heading-text (concat heading-text (format " (target page: %d)" target-page)))))

                        (t (error "Unexpected link type")))

                         (if org-noter-pdftools-use-pdftools-link-location
                           (cons page top))

         (when output-data
           (if (memq 'annots answer)
               (setq output-data
                     (sort output-data
                           (lambda (e1 e2)
                             (or (not (aref e1 1))
                                 (and (aref e2 1)
                                      (org-noter--compare-locations '< (aref e1 1) (aref e2 1)))))))
             (setq output-data (nreverse output-data)))

           (push (vector "Skeleton" nil 1 nil) output-data)))

       (with-current-buffer (org-noter--session-notes-buffer session)
         ;; NOTE(nox): org-with-wide-buffer can't be used because we want to reset the
         ;; narrow region to include the new headings
           (goto-char (org-element-property :end ast))

           (let (last-absolute-level
                 title location relative-level contents
             (dolist (data output-data)
               (setq title          (aref data 0)
                     location       (aref data 1)
                     relative-level (aref data 2)
                     contents       (aref data 3))

               (if (symbolp relative-level)
                   (setq level (1+ last-absolute-level))
                 (setq last-absolute-level (+ top-level relative-level)
                       level last-absolute-level))

               (org-noter--insert-heading level title nil location)

               (when (cdr contents)
                 (org-noter--insert-heading (1+ level) "Comment")
                 (insert (cdr contents)))))

           (setq ast (org-noter--parse-root))
           (org-noter--narrow-to-root ast)
           (goto-char (org-element-property :begin ast))
           (org-show-children 2)))))

    (t (error "This command is only supported on PDF Tools")))))

Put the above in your .emacs file and call my-org-noter-pdftools-create-skeleton from now on.