weirdyang / sgsew-project-tracker

repo to track and consolidate issues and details for the sgsew final project
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Solution Design and Presentation #3

Closed weirdyang closed 3 years ago

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Placeholder for issue to track tasks to be done

This is for week 4: Solution Design/Presentation

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

core deliverables

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Additional Deliverables (min. is 4 deliverables)

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Project architecture:

  1. mongoDB database
  2. Express API backend
  3. Angular frontend

Prototype wireframe mock-up:

  1. Mockup of website layout

  2. API documentation

    Database design:

  3. Collection schemas

  4. Relationship between collections

  5. Validation

Use cases:

  1. Create, update and delete products
  2. User management
  3. Showcase products and services
weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Functional Requirements:

User must be able to login securely.

Users must be able to create an account.

Only users with the sign up key is able to access the user registration page to create an account.

Authenticated users must be able to enter product creation page

Authenticated users must be able to enter product update page

Authenticated users must be able to edit the products they created.

Authenticated users must have his/her products stored in a database.

All users must be able to view product entries.

All users must be able to search and filter product entries.

Admin users must be able to modify or remove all product entries.

There must be a page providing company details.

There must be a page to allow authenticated users to create product entries

There must be a page to allow to edit the products they created.

There must be a page to allow the admin users to modify and delete user information.

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Company suggestions:


Company selling pc parts and services such as pc assembly, hardware replacement and upgrade.

Good Eats

Company selling snack subscription boxes and catering services


Company selling pet food and products, and provides grooming and dog walking services

Problem statement

Already doing business through online platforms such as carousell and Do not intend to take on payment and order management as it’s an extra cost due to need of upkeep and maintenance. More economical to use free online platforms and offload the operating costs

Want a website to establish brand awareness and integrity. The website will showcase the company’s products and services, provide details of the company and how to engage thé company’s services.

BharethRex commented 3 years ago

Home - Desktop Home - Phone

Possible Designs for Home Pg, barebones wireframes.

BharethRex commented 3 years ago

About Us - Desktop About Us - Phone

Possible Designs for About Us/Contact Us Pg, barebones wireframes.

BharethRex commented 3 years ago

Product Service Catalogue -Desktop Product Service Catalogue- Phone

Possible Designs for Product/Service Catalogue Pg, barebones wireframes.

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

project objectives

To create a functional website providing information about the company and its business (e.g. products and services)

To provide a data entry system for the employees to create, read, update and delete product entries.

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

project scope

Develop backend to provide a web api for users to create, read, update and delete products and users

Develop front end web application

Integrate backend with front end web application

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

acceptance criteria:

People must able to access the web application. Authorized users must be able to create and update products. Authorized users must be able to create an account. Authorized users must be able to login. All site visitors must be able to view the company products and services.

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Functional Requirements:

User must be able to login securely.

Users must be able to create an account.

Only users with the sign up key is able to access the user registration page to create an account.

Authenticated users must be able to enter product creation page

Authenticated users must be able to enter product update page

Authenticated users must be able to edit the products they created.

Authenticated users must have his/her products stored in a database.

All users must be able to view product entries.

All users must be able to search and filter product entries.

Admin users must be able to modify all product entries and user accounts.

Admin users must be able to remove all product entries and user accounts.

There must be a page providing company details.

There must be a page providing company contact details.

There must be a page to allow authenticated users to create product entries

There must be a page to allow authenticated users to edit products.

There must be a page to allow the admin users to delete users.

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

use cases


BharethRex commented 3 years ago

Admin users must be able to modify or remove all product entries.

Admin users must be able to modify or remove all user entries.

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Software and Hardware Specs

Microsoft Teams and Github as our tool for Collaboration.

Angular Front End and Nodejs Express for backend.

Github for Version Control.

Netlify for cloud resources for front end. Heroku web hosting for cloud resources for backend

MongoAtlas for Mongodb service to store database of users and products

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Project architecture

architecture diagram

weirdyang commented 3 years ago



weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Database design

database uml

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Project plan

TODO: to build gnatt chart

weirdyang commented 3 years ago


weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Implementation Schedule (Burn down Chart)

TODO: generate based on project plan

weirdyang commented 3 years ago


TODO: @weirdyang to upload screenshots of login, register, product modals

done 11ba19b50a4673cb839cb273f468c41bcc0c6a3d

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Project architecture

TODO: generate design based on software and hardware specs

done 597a5cdf7b959b4c574d53564926932ddacbae5a

weirdyang commented 3 years ago


Company selling pc parts and services such as pc assembly, hardware replacement and upgrade.

Problem statement

The company is currently business through online platforms such as carousell and It does not intend to take on payment and order management as it is an extra cost because it will require additional skillsets due to the security issues and cost of payment gateways) It will be more economical to use free online platforms and offload the operating costs

The company want a website to establish brand awareness and integrity. The website will showcase the company’s products and services, provide details of the company and how to engage the company’s services.

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Task list

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

future improvements

1 . allow user to reset password and change username and email

weirdyang commented 3 years ago

Constraints - Free versions of cloud hosting services