weirongxu / coc-explorer

📁 Explorer for coc.nvim
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check if coc-explorer window is open #259

Closed pirey closed 4 years ago

pirey commented 4 years ago

is there a way to know if there is current coc-explorer window buffer opened?

right now i'm using this method:

let g:coc_explorer_open = 0

function! s:coc_explorer_is_open() abort
    return get(g:, 'coc_explorer_open', 0)

function! s:coc_explorer_state(s) abort
    echom 'state ' . a:s
    let g:coc_explorer_open = a:s

autocmd BufEnter *coc-explorer* call s:coc_explorer_state(1)
autocmd BufHidden *coc-explorer* call s:coc_explorer_state(0)

but it rather hacky.

i'm just wondering if it has already this feature built-in to coc-explorer

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weirongxu commented 4 years ago

You can use let opened = CocAction('runCommand', 'explorer.getNodeInfo', 'closest') is v:null, more information see this

pirey commented 4 years ago

i got this error on initial load neovim


the error only happen on initial load. the code works after that.

it seems that my code is running before runComman is ready, i'm not really sure. is there a way to check if runCommand is ready? what do you think?

i'm calling this function in lightline component, which i suppose is called everytime lightline is updated.

here's an excerpt.

let g:lightline = {
" ...
\   'tabline': {
\     'left': [['explorer_pad', 'buffers']]
\   }
\   'component_function': {
\     'explorer_pad': 'LightlineCocExplorerLeftpad',
" ...
\   },
" ...

function! LightlineCocExplorerLeftpad() abort
    if &co < 86
        return ''

    if CocAction('runCommand', 'explorer.getNodeInfo', 'closest') isnot# v:null
        return printf('%-29s', '') . '⎟'

    return ''
weirongxu commented 4 years ago

:help CocNvimInit

pirey commented 4 years ago

Ok. so there is no direct means to check if coc has already started.

for anyone looking at similar issue later, what i do is to set custom variable to indicate coc has initialized.

function! s:on_coc_init()
    let g:coc_ready = 1

autocmd User CocNvimInit call s:on_coc_init()

then i can use it in lightline function

    if get(g:, 'coc_ready', 0)
        if CocAction('runCommand', 'explorer.getNodeInfo', 'closest') isnot# v:null
            return printf('%-29s', '') . '⎟'

thanks @weirongxu

alps2006 commented 3 days ago

It is not working when having multiple windows by explorer.getNodeInfo.

I use the code below.

    let l:winnrs = filter(range(1, winnr('$')), 'getwinvar(v:val, "&ft") == "coc-explorer"')
    let l:opened  = len(l:winnrs) > 0
    if l:opened