weirongxu / coc-explorer

📁 Explorer for coc.nvim
MIT License
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How to add a border to coc-explorer? #475

Closed DevonPeroutky closed 2 years ago

DevonPeroutky commented 2 years ago


Coc-explorer is great! I just can't seem to set a border for it (Screenshot below). I've tried adding the below to my init.vim

autocmd FileType coc-explorer-border set winblend=30

as well as adding the following to my coc-settings.json

"explorer.floating.border.enable": true

But neither have worked. Even by looking at the documentation, is seems like explorer.floating.border.enable should be true by default anyways. Is there something I'm missing?

Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 7 43 28 AM
weirongxu commented 2 years ago

explorer.floating.border.enable only work for floating windows

:help "fillchars"
:set fillchars=vert:\│