weirongxu / plantuml-previewer.vim

Vim / Neovim plugin for preview PlantUML
MIT License
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Allow preview in ASCII #58

Open jakebrinkmann opened 2 years ago

jakebrinkmann commented 2 years ago

I have written some code which built on top of this plugin, I thought I would share:

" plantuml-previewer.vim
" Output as ASCII art into Vim preview window
function! PlantUmlUpdatePreview(bufnr) abort
  let jar_path = expand('~/.vim/plugged/plantuml-previewer.vim/lib/plantuml.jar')
  let charset = 'UTF-8'
  let type = 'utxt'
  let tmpfname = tempname()
  let puml_src_path = fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnr), ':p')
  let puml_filename = fnamemodify(puml_src_path, ':t:r')
  let final_path = tmpfname . "/" . puml_filename . "." . type
  let cmd = "java -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true "
        \ ."-jar \"". jar_path 
        \ ."\" \"" . puml_src_path
        \ ."\" -charset ". charset ." -t" . type ." -o ". tmpfname
  call system(cmd)
  if v:shell_error != 0
    echoerr 'Unable to make diagram'
    silent execute "pedit " . final_path

augroup plantuml_previewer
  autocmd BufWritePost *.pu,*.uml,*.plantuml,*.puml,*.iuml call PlantUmlUpdatePreview(bufnr('%'))
augroup END

As it is, It will open a preview window with the ASCII representation of the diagram.

This is useful for me, because I dont want to jump between different programs. This keeps me inside VIM the whole time.

Maybe we can create a new :PlantumlAsciiOpen command?


weirongxu commented 2 years ago

Yes, PR is welcome.

But have you tried that might be the feature you need.