weisJ / auto-dark-mode

IDEA plugin to automatically apply system theme settings on macOS and Windows.
MIT License
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MacOS Auto settings is treated as dark mode #1

Closed eugene-stativka closed 4 years ago

eugene-stativka commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your great job! I've tried 1.1.0-pre on MacOS 10.15.4 and it seems like Auto appearance setting is treated as dark mode even if it is not a late evening and light mode is automatically set by the operating system. Can you please check?

weisJ commented 4 years ago

I'll have to look into it. I do not have a system with macOS installed myself. Basically the responsible code for the check is the following:

NSString *interfaceStyle = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AppleInterfaceStyle"];
// interfaceStyle can be nil (light mode) or "Dark" (dark mode).
BOOL isDark = [VALUE_DARK caseInsensitiveCompare:interfaceStyle] == NSOrderedSame;
BOOL switchesAutomatically = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AppleInterfaceStyleSwitchesAutomatically"];
if (switchesAutomatically) {
    // If switchesAutomatically == YES the roles of "Dark" and nil are changed.
    return (jboolean) !isDark;

If you run this on your machine does it yield the correct value?

weisJ commented 4 years ago

After doing some remote testing with a friends machine it seems as if the value of AppleInterfaceStyleSwitchesAutomatically can be ignored and AppleInterfaceStyle actually always represents the actual value.

weisJ commented 4 years ago

Could you try out if the new pre-release works as expected?

eugene-stativka commented 4 years ago

Could you try out if the new pre-release works as expected?

Sure, I will do it first thing in the morning.

eugene-stativka commented 4 years ago

In this release this issue is fixed. Thanks!

weisJ commented 4 years ago

I did some more research and apparently the Catalina Auto option is not that simple. If switching manually to it the properties are set correctly but if it switches by passing the time threshold the setting isn't picked up correctly.

weisJ commented 4 years ago

I'm kind of getting conflicting information. For one there is this issue. The propsed solution is to use NSApp.effectiveAppearance. However NSApp.effectiveAppearance is always NSAppearanceAqua as the library isn't really attached to a valid application.

This issue also highlights a possible issue when powering off in dark mode and turning back in during daytime. I'll have to do more testing but as long as there is no power off involved it works.

weisJ commented 4 years ago

@eugene-stativka Do you experience errors between restarts/sleep mode? However I suspect for now this issue is neglectable as I doubt a lot of people keep IDEA open between system restarts.

eugene-stativka commented 4 years ago

@eugene-stativka Do you experience errors between restarts/sleep mode?

So far, no but maybe I haven't covered all edge cases yet. I will let you know if I notice something

bric3 commented 4 years ago

For now the plugin behaves well.

I'm using NightOwl to control the dark mode. I've tried :

IntelliJ 2020.1

❯ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.15.4
BuildVersion:   19E287
weisJ commented 4 years ago

@bric3 good to know 👍 I have released the current latest pre-release (should be available in 2/3 days). If any issues arise this issue can be reopened.

bric3 commented 4 years ago

I've set NightOwl mode sunrise / sunset, with lid closed in-between. Looks good !

bric3 commented 4 years ago

Actually I think I encountered a bug.

Maybe I should log that in another issue.

weisJ commented 4 years ago

That is exactly the possible scenario that would break it I had in mind. I has to do with a weird behaviour of how auto is implemented. Generally there is the value "AppleInterfaceStyle" that is either nil or "Dark" depending of the mode. But in some scenarios their semantic is swapped. The saver approach would be to read NSApp.effectiveAppearance but as I have mentioned before this always return the same value. I guess this has to do with the dll running outside of a valid cocoa application.