weisJ / auto-dark-mode

IDEA plugin to automatically apply system theme settings on macOS and Windows.
MIT License
51 stars 13 forks source link

When switching between devices, preferred theme settings gets changed #87

Open FilipJakab opened 1 month ago

FilipJakab commented 1 month ago

When I configure themes for Light/Dark it works correctly. Then moving to another computer // (both have KDE - one on Arch, other is Kubuntu) Dark mode's theme is set to something else then what I set on previous computer.

Otherwise, the plugin works like a charm, thanks :)

PS: Happens on WebStorm, DataGrip and Rider consistently.

FilipJakab commented 1 month ago

This is desired config. Will edit this message with how it gets overwritten once I get to another computer. image

EDIT: This is how it gets changed after using another machine.. image

Thanks in advance

weisJ commented 4 weeks ago

Are you using the same version of the plugin on both computers? Could you also provide the stored xml settings file for auto dark mode on both machines: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544519-Directories-used-by-the-IDE-to-store-settings-caches-plugins-and-logs

FilipJakab commented 3 weeks ago

Here are the settings before opening JetBrains Rider: auto-dark-mode-settings-before.txt

Then I opened Rider and the error was visible. So I closed the Rider to see if the xml file will be changed, but the content remained identical. After opening the IDE for the second time, it showed config correctly..


However, I managed to get around this by setting enabling only IDE Theme, since it includes setting editor theme as well.


I found out that the Settings Sync did not include this plugin.. So I enabled sync for this plugin as well and when I get home, I will check my PC's settings

I wonder if it conflicts with theme being synced from another device while OS Theme might differ. I will exclude UI Themes from Settings Sync to amend this possible conflict.

FilipJakab commented 3 weeks ago

Today, after starting IDE on my home PC, the issue disappeared. Perhaps something from the previous comment caused this. I will try to fiddle with it and let you know, if it happens again...

Thanks for the plugin!

EDIT: So I am more convinced it was caused with the settings sync, as I forgot to disable the settings sync for UI Settings in another IDE (WebStorm) and the the issue persisted.

WebStorm's plugin settings with enabled UI Settings in Settings Sync (High Contrast theme probably from Settings Sync):


Also the settings XML still holds correct values (WebStorm not yet closed):

  <component name="AutoDarkMode">
    <option name="entries">
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="advanced_linux_settings:Advanced" />
          <option name="name" value="implType" />
          <option name="value" value="XDG_DESKTOP" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="advanced_linux_settings:Advanced" />
          <option name="name" value="overrideGtkDetection" />
          <option name="value" value="false" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="advanced_linux_settings_hidden" />
          <option name="name" value="executed" />
          <option name="value" value="true" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:IDE Theme" />
          <option name="name" value="changeIdeTheme" />
          <option name="value" value="true" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:IDE Theme:group_0" />
          <option name="name" value="lightTheme" />
          <option name="value" value="ReSharperLight" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:IDE Theme:group_0" />
          <option name="name" value="darkTheme" />
          <option name="value" value="JetBrainsHighContrastTheme" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:IDE Theme:group_0" />
          <option name="name" value="highContrastTheme" />
          <option name="value" value="JetBrainsHighContrastTheme" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:Editor Theme" />
          <option name="name" value="changeEditorTheme" />
          <option name="value" value="false" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:Editor Theme:group_0" />
          <option name="name" value="lightCodeScheme" />
          <option name="value" value="_@user_ReSharper Light" /> <!-- Here is correct value -->
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:Editor Theme:group_0" />
          <option name="name" value="darkCodeScheme" />
          <option name="value" value="_@user_High contrast" /> <!-- Here is correct value -->
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:Editor Theme:group_0" />
          <option name="name" value="highContrastCodeScheme" />
          <option name="value" value="_@user_Light" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:Other" />
          <option name="name" value="checkHighContrast" />
          <option name="value" value="false" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="__root__group__" />
          <option name="name" value="__settings__version__" />
          <option name="value" value="1.2" />
          <option name="groupIdentifier" value="__root__group__" />
          <option name="name" value="__settings__version__" />
          <option name="value" value="1.2" />

After saving settings without changing anything, the settings gets stored incorrectly (changed entries):

  <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:Editor Theme" />
  <option name="name" value="changeEditorTheme" />
  <option name="value" value="false" />
  <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:Editor Theme:group_0" />
  <option name="name" value="lightCodeScheme" />
  <option name="value" value="_@user_Light" />
  <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:Editor Theme:group_0" />
  <option name="name" value="darkCodeScheme" />
  <option name="value" value="_@user_Light" />
  <option name="groupIdentifier" value="general_settings:Editor Theme:group_0" />
  <option name="name" value="highContrastCodeScheme" />
  <option name="value" value="_@user_Light" />